
Japanese-Made English

Just as Japanese has been innovative with the Sino-Japanese root words which entered the language, the same can be said for words of English origin which have been altered/repurposed in ways unintended or not even necessarily possible in the source language English.

Defining 和製英語

What constitutes a Japanese-made English phrase, in its broadest understanding, is any use of an English word1 which does not match how it is used in Japanese. For instance, as readily obvious as to which English words these phrases derived, the phrases themselves are not used to mean the same thing in English itself, or at least not anymore.

i. ベースアップ (from “base-up”)
Pay raise

ii. ガソリンスタンド (from “gasoline stand”)
Gas(oline) station

iii. イートイン (from “eat-in”)
Dine-in (casual sense)

iv. マンション2 (from “mansion”)

v. アパート3 (from “apartment”)
Apartment building

The degree to which this is true varies depending on the word, naturally. However, the different means of inspiration which bring about Japanese-made English provide great insight to how these expressions come to being.

Shortenings 既存の語形の省略

Many expressions of English origin become truncated upon being fully integrated into the Japanese lexicon. Once the abbreviation sticks, a new word is born.

vi. ワープロ (From ワードプロセッサー)
Word processor

vii. マック4 (From マクドナルド)

viii. ゲーセン (From ゲームセンター)
Video game arcade

ix. ポリコレ (From ポリティカルコレクトネス)
Political correctness

x. コンビニ (From コンビニエンスストア)
Convenience store

New “Slang る-Verbs”

There are even “new” 五段 verbs ending in /-ru/ which are formed from abbreviated expressions.

ググるTo google
マクるTo go to McDonalds
サボるTo slack off (from “sabotage”)
バグるTo be bugged
コピるTo copy
メモるTo memo

1. わあ、ミスった!(ミス → from “mistake”)
Oh no, I messed up.

2. 内容がダブらないように気をつけましょう。(ダブる → from “double”)
Make sure that your content [doesn’t overlap/isn’t duplicated].

3. 不登校です、サボってます。
I am truant, skipping class.

4. 腹減ったから、マクろうぜ!
I’m hungry, so let’s go to McDonalds!

5. ググれば数秒でわかることを暗記する為に学校に行く必要があるの?という問いに対してどのように答えますか?
How should I respond to the question of “is it really necessary to go to school for the purpose of memorizing things you can find out in a few seconds by googling?”

和製英語 in Action

Below you will find an array of examples of Japanese-made English. For examples which have a full-form and an abbreviated form, the abbreviated (predominant) form will be listed first and marked by

 PhraseOrigin Meaning
フリーサイズ“free size”One size fits all
パソコン (略)
personal computer”Personal computer
モータープール“motor (car) pool”Parking lot
ルポ (略)
ドタキャン土壇場5でキャンセルするLast-minute cancellation
ナイーブ“naive”Innocent; sensitive
エンゲージリングengage(ment) ringEngagement ring
インキー“in(side) key”Shutting oneself out of (car, room) with key left inside
ホーム (略)
“(plat)formRailway platform
ゲーセン (略)
game center”Video game arcade
white shirtDress shirt
バックミラー“back mirror”Rearview mirror
フリーダイヤル“free dial”Toll free number
ジェットコースター“jet coaster”Roller coaster
OL“office lady”Female office worker
フリートーク“free talk”Free conversation
フロントガラス“front glass” Windshield
ベッドタウン“bed town”Commuter town
プレイガイド“play guide”Ticket agency
ドライバー“driver”Screwdriver; driver (golf)
チアガール“cheer girl”Cheerleader
ジーパン (略)
“jeans-pants”Jeans and pants
ナイター“(all-)nighter”Night game
ライブハウス“live house”Live music club
ランニングホームラン“running homerun”Inside-the-park home run
フェミニスト“feminist”Man who indulges women; feminist
サンドバッグ“sandbag”Punching bag
ダンプカー“dump car”Dump truck
スキンシップ“skin-ship”Close physical contact
サラリーマン“salaryman”Office worker (on salary)
モガ (略)
modern girlModern girl
モボ (略)
modern boy”Modern boy
デッドボール“dead ball”Hitting a pitcher with the ball
ボールペンball(-point) penBallpoint pen
アニソン (略)
anime songAnime theme song
ソフト (略)
トレーナー“trainer”Trainer; sweatshirt
アメフト (略)
American football”American football
マジックテープ“magic tape”Velcro
キャッチホン“catch phone”Call waiting
ハンスト (略)
hunger strike”Hunger strike
マスコミ (略)
mass communication”The media
コンセントconcent(ric plug)”Electric outlet
プロレス (略)
pro wrestling”Professional wrestling
セクハラ (略)
sexual harassment”Sexual harassment
ガソスタ (略)
ガススタ (略)
スタンド 7(略)
gasoline standGasoline station
コマソン (略)
commercial songMusic in advertising
ノーブランド“no brand”Generic
ドクターコース“doctor course”PhD course
着メロ (略)
“incoming call/phone/e-mail melody”Ringtone
フリーター (略)
free arbeiter9Freeloader
エアコン (略)
air conditioner”Air conditioner 
スマホ (略)
smart phone”Smartphone
セレブ (略)
エンスト (略)
engine stop”Engine stall
カーナビ (略)
car navigation”Car navigator
Banana Republic”Banana Republic
スタバ (略)
ワンピ (略)
one-piece”Dress; one-piece (swimsuit)
パワハラ (略)
power harassment”Power harassment
シネコン (略)
cinema complex”Cinema complex

6. 付き合いたての時期は、積極的にスキンシップをするのは恥ずかしい。
Proactively making physical context (with your partner) in the just starting to date phase is embarrassing.

7. 下校中とみられる高校生の男性がダンプカーに撥ねられた。
A male high school student believed to have been leaving school for home was hit by a dump trunk.

8. 政府は、直ちにハンスト中止し、命と健康を守るべきだと呼びかけた。 
The government called for (them) to immediately suspend (their) hunger strike and that (they) should protect (their) lives and health.

9. 書類をスマホでスキャンしてPDFにする方法を紹介していきたいと思います。
I’d like to introduce (to you) how to scan documents with your smartphone and put them into a PDF.

10. 亡くなった団員がパワハラを受けていたらしい。
The group member who passed away apparently was the victim of power harassment.

11. スタバで待ち合わせていたところ、逮捕されました。
I was arrested at Starbucks as I was waiting to meet someone.

12. ガソスタに給油(し)に行ったら、バッテリーの無料点検中ですぐ終わるので、点検させてくださいというので、お願いした。 
When I went to the gas station to fill up, they were like, “we’re doing free battery inspects; it’ll be over right away; please let us inspect yours,” so I told them please do.

13. 令和のヒットチャートを賑わせているアニソンを10曲厳選しました。
I carefully selected 10 anime theme songs which have been buzzing on the hit chart during the Reiwa Period (current era).

14. カーナビバグっておかしな所にいる。
My car navigation bugged out, so now I’m at a weird place.

15. セレブたちが被害者救済運動に積極的に参加している。
The celebrities are actively participating in victim relief movement.

16. 必ず電源OFFの状態でコンセントに差し込んで下さい。 
Please always plug it in the outlet with the power turned OFF.

17. ライブハウスで会おうぜ!
Let’s meet at a live music club!

18. ポケモントレーナーになりたいのですが、どうすればなれますか?
I want to become a Pokémon trainer, but how do I become one?

 19. 一般的に、私服通勤の会社に、トレーナーを着ていくのは、問題ないでしょう。
Generally, it should not be a problem to go to work wearing a sweatshirt to a company that (permits) going to work in plain clothes.

20. マスコミを批判する人たちもそのマスコミ報道を見ているではないか。
Aren’t the people who criticize the media also watching media-run news?

21. アマゾンでは、ブランド名のないノーブランドの商品を出品する場合であっても「ノーブランド品」と商品名の前に記載する必要がある。

22. エアコンが故障した!
My air conditioner broke!

23. アメフトを一緒に見て覚えましょう!
Let’s watch football (American) together and learn!

24. 先日、近所の某ショッピングセンターのシネコンに行ってみました。
The other day, I tried out going to this cinema complex at a certain shopping center in my neighborhood.

25. ドクターコースではほとんど講義をとる必要はないけれど、決して勉強しないわけではないのです。
There is hardly any need to take lectures in a PhD course, but that does not at all mean that you won’t be studying.

Words which Require explanation

There are many Japanese-made English expressions which deserve special attention due to being so unintelligible to English speakers.

・モーニングサービス: Literally “morning service,” this is the Japanese equivalent of an “early bird special,” often offered at hotels, cafes, etc.

26. この喫茶店はモーニングサービスを450円で提供しています。
This coffee shop offers a 450 yen early bird special.

・ターミナルホテル: Hotel that is cheap and very convenient, typically conveniently located for easy commute.

27. 外国人観光客はあまりターミナルホテルというところには泊まりたがらないという。
They say that foreign tourists hardly want to stay at hotels near terminals.

・ワンルームマンション: A studio-flat.

28. なぜワンルームマンション投資が将来の資産形成になるのでしょうか。
Why is it that studio apartment investment will become our asset builder for the future?

・シルバーシート: “Priority seat,” also known by the Sino-Japanese word 優先席.

29. シルバーシートは何歳から座っていいの?
At what age is it alright to sit in a priority seat?

・ペアルック: Literally “pair look,” this refers to matching clothing worn by couples.

30. ペアルックは、何も男女が同じ服を着るに限られたことではありません。
“Twinning” is not limited at all to a man and woman wearing the same clothes.

・セロ(ハン)テープ: Scotch tape, originally known as “cellophane tape.”

31. セロテープで留めておいて。
Please tape it down.

・ガムテープ: “Adhesive tape,” not to be misconstrued as “tape made of gum.”

32. ガムテープ急いで剥がしてしまうと、テープが途中で切れてしまい、粘着部分もまばらに残ってしまう。
When you hurriedly rip off adhesive tape, the tape rips midway, and the adhesive part also gets left behind sporadically.

・パスケース: A “commuter pass holder” of sorts.

33. 先日、家の鍵、定期、その他もろもろ大事なものをまとめて管理していたパスケースを落としました
The other day, I lost my commuter pass holder, which I used to manage all sorts of important things like my house key, my fixed-term commuter pass(es), and more.

・ミスド: A shortening of ミスタードーナツ (Mr. Donuts), this is a very popular donut chain in Japan.

34. 寝不足でミスドに行ってはいけない。
You shouldn’t go to Mr. Donuts when you’re low on sleep.

・ドーナツ化現象: “Doughnut effect” refers to the exodus of residents from city centers to the suburbs.

35. ドーナツ化現象とは、都市の中心部から郊外に人口が流れる社会現象です。
The “doughnut effect” is the social phenomenon in which population flows from the center of a city to the suburbs.

・コンデンスミルク: ”Sweetened condensed milk,” which is also known by the Sino-Japanese word 加糖練乳10. Similarly, “evaporated milk” is either エバミルク or 無糖練乳. 

36. 今回は黒糖とコンデンスミルクを使ったレシピをご紹介します。
This time, I will introduce (you) to recipes which you (unrefined) black sugar and sweetened condensed milk.

More Example Sentences

37. マイカーで通勤する。(マイカー → “my car” = privately owned car)
I commute with my own car.

38. 脱サラ11をして、事業を興す人が急増しています。
The number of people leaving salary jobs to run their own business is sharply rising.

39. たまにデパートでしか買えないものを買います。(デパート → “department store”)
I occasionally buy things that you can only found at department stores.

40. スマホアプデをしたら文字入力がバグりました。(アプデ → from “update”)
When I updated my phone, text entering behaved strangely.

41. リモコンを渡してくれない? (リモコン → “remote control”)
Could you pass (me) the remote?

42. 小型のラジカセを探していました。 (ラジカセ → “radio cassette (player)”)
I was searching for a small-sized radio cassette player.

43. オートバイに乗っているって、結構筋トレですよね?(オートバイ → “auto-bic(cyle); 筋トレ → 筋力トレーニング)
Riding a motorcycle is considerable muscle-building, right?

44. いま、どんなアイスが人気があるのでしょうか。(アイス → “ice cream”)
What sort of ice cream is popular right now?

45. それは100(パー)ない。(パー → “percent”)
That will 100% not happen.

和製フランス語? 和製ドイツ語?

Not all loanwords which have been altered upon entering Japanese are of English origin, although they all ultimately get lumped under the umbrella of 和製英語.

WordSource LanguageMeaning
シュークリームFrench: “chou à la crème” = “cabbage with cream in it”Cream puff
アベックFrench: “avec” = “with”Couple
アルバイトGerman: “Arbeit” = “labor”Part-time job

  1. Words of foreign origin not necessarily from English but which have also undergone phonetic/semantic altering are often lumped into the concept of 和製英語. For example, ルージュ meaning “lipstick” derives from the French word “rouge,” which refer to the color “red” applied to the lips. Thus, it is technically an example of “Japanese-made French” 和製フランス語. ↩︎
  2. マンション are typically steel/concrete structures that are three (+) stories tall with high occupancy. ↩︎
  3. アパート are typically wooden structures with little if any steel structuring, never exceeding two stories. ↩︎
  4. Also shortened as マクド in Western Japanese dialects. ↩︎
  5. A 土壇場 is a dirt platform used for decapitations, and in the phrase 土壇場で, it figuratively means “in one’s eleventh hour.” As such, ドタキャン is a mixture of Sino-Japanese and loanword morphemes combined together to make a brand-new phrase. ↩︎
  6. When spelled as Yシャツ, its role as being the opposite of Tシャツ is more apparent. In reality, this word play was not originally intended, as ワイ in this word actually derives from “white.” ↩︎
  7. The most common means of referring to a “gasoline station” in Japan is ガソスタ. In Tokyo, however, スタンド is most prevalent. You may also hear GS (from “gas station”), SS (from “service station”), or even ガソリン屋さん. ↩︎
  8. 着信 refers to the arrival/receiving of any correspondence via an electronic device. ↩︎
  9. アルバイター (Arbeiter) actually comes from German, and in Japanese, it refers to a part-time worker. ↩︎
  10. 練乳 is properly spelled in Kanji as 煉乳, but because 煉 is not a general-use Kanji, it is replaced with 練, which has the same ON reading. ↩︎
  11. 脱~ is a prefix meaning “de-” in the sense of indicating removal/reversal.” サラ comes from the shortening of サラリーマン meaning “office worker.” ↩︎