The Particle のに

The Particle のに

This particle is very similar in grammar to ので. However, it serves a different function. 

The Conjunctive Particle のに

~のに shows that the latter statement differs from the former, “although”. Again, the second clause has to be contrary to what is expected from the first clause. If not, ~が or ~ても should be used. It is not uncommon to see it used as a final particle. 

 Nouns 犬のに Must use copula
 Adjectives 新しのに Must not use copula
 Adjectival Nouns 簡単なのに Must use copula
 Verbs 食べのに Must not use copula

Grammar Note: ~だのに is used by some speakers and is viewed as being rather dialectical. 

1. あら、2べたのに、またおわり? (Feminine)
 My goodness, you’ve already had two helpings, but you want another one? 

2. 急いでいるのに、バスが来なくて、りました。
Although I was in a hurry, the bus didn’t come, so I was troubled. 

3. 彼はとてもっているのに元気ですよ。
Although he’s very old, he’s healthy!

4. あれだけがんばって教えたのに私の生徒たちはみなこの前の試験に合格しませんでした。
Despite after all I did, all my students didn’t pass the last exam.

5. (周囲しゅういの)反対はんたいをおして怪我をしているのに、たたかい続けた。
Despite voices of opposition around me and my injuries, I continued to fight.

6. その服、すごくぼろぼろなのに、まだ着てるんだね。
Although those clothes are really worn-out, you’re still wearing them, aren’t you. 

7. 姉は75歳になるのに、まだフランス語の家庭教師をやっている。
 Although my older sister is turning 75, she still gives French tutorials (to students). 

8. 食べないの? せっかく作ったのに。
You’re not going to eat it? Even though I went through all the trouble of making it?

9a. 早く雨が上がるといいなあ。〇
9b. 早く雨が上がるといいのに。△
It would be good for the rain to let up quickly…


~たらいいのに shows regret. It is often used with the potential. It can also be used in proposal of ideas. It is normally translated as “if only.”

10. 彼ともう一度会えたらいいのに。
I wish I was able to meet with him one more time.

11. (お)金持ちだったらいいのになあ。
It would be nice if I were rich.

12.  空を飛べたらいいなあ。
Wouldn’t it be nice if I could fly…


~ばいいのに・ばいいのだが・ば{なあ・ねえ} are like “although it would be good if you”. This suggests that the person is doing the contrary. “You” doesn’t have to be the only subject. It could be an “it”. 

13. そんなに日本語を勉強したいなら、日本へ行けばいいのに。
If you really want to study Japanese so badly, then it’d be good for you to just go to Japan.

14. 雨がやめばいいのだが。
Although it would be nice for the rain to end…

15. 彼はもう少しゴルフがうまければなあ。
If only he could be a little better at golf.

16. 「このごろふとっちゃって…」「もっと運動うんどう(を)すればいいのに。テニスとかバスケとか(して)はどう?」
“I’ve been getting fat recently.” “It would be nice if you exercised more. How about doing tennis, basketball, or something?”

17. 「熟語が覚えられないんです」「辞書じしょを引けばいいのに」
 “I can’t remember kanji compounds.” “It would be nice if you used a dictionary.” 

18. 「漢字が覚えられないんです」「毎日読めばいいのに」 
 “I can’t remember Kanji.” “It would be nice if you read.”

19. 前向まえむきに考えればいいのに。
It would be nice if you thought positively.

20. 「試験しけんてんが悪くて…」「もっと勉強すればいいのに」
“I did bad on my exam…” “It would be nice if you studied more.”

Nuance Note: ~ばいいのに is a little cold. Try using nicer patterns to suggest things like ~たらどうですか and  ~たらいいとおもいます. You can also add context to make the suggestion more 柔らかい “soft”. 

21. 「お金がなくて、こまってるんだ」 「仕事を探せばいいのに。最低賃金でも一文いちもんなしより(かは)いいだろう」
“I’m troubled because I don’t have any money.” “It would be nice if you got a job. Minimum wage is better than being penniless.”

22. 一日40時間あればいいのに。
I wish there was 40 hours in a day.

23. 雨がはげしく降ればよかったのに。
I wish it would have poured.