Due to

~ために II: Due to…

~ために, as hinted at in the introduction of the previous lesson, is not limited to expressing an objective. Another primary interpretation that may or may not coincide with an objective is expressing a cause. This lesson will help you understand exactly how to use and understand this “cause-marking” ~ために and how it contrasts and coincides with the “objective-marking” ~ために.

Marking a Cause

The cause-marking ~ために is used to express the cause of something in a reserved manner. It is equivalent to the English phrase “due to.” It can be seen after nouns, adjectival nouns, adjectives, and verbs. For conjugatable parts of speech, it can be seen after both the non-past and past tenses.

 Part of Speech Non-Past Tense Past Tense
 Nouns N + の + ため(に) N + だった + ため(に)
 Adjectival  Nouns Adj. N + な + ため(に) Adj. N + だった + ため(に)
 Adjectives Adj. + ため(に) Adj. + かった + ため(に)
 Verbs V + ため(に) V + た + ため(に) 

 Semantic Restrictions

The cause-marking ~ために is only used in declarative sentences and the questions made from said sentences. The basic sentence pattern with the cause-marking ために is “A + ために + B.” The A expresses cause if B is the result of A having occurred. Generally speaking, when the agent of A and B are the same, then ~ために expresses an objective, but when the agent of A and B differ, it expresses cause. This rule of thumb only works, though, with the non-past tense. When you see ~ため(に) after the past tense or the progressive form (~ている), or whenever both clauses lack a true active agent, then it is always the cause-marking interpretation.

Particle Note: The に in ~ために is frequently omitted, and when the statement is a positive one, it’s most natural to omit it. When に isn’t present, the statement is as neutral as can be. When に is present, the cause stands out more, but there is no emphasis as to whether the cause is good or bad.

Usage Note: This pattern is almost entirely used in the written language and/or in news(-like speech). 

1. 現在げんざい工事こうじのために閉鎖中へいさちゅうです。
(Road) currently closed due to construction.

2. もっと得票とくひょうおお候補者こうほしゃでも当選とうせん必要ひつよう票数ひょうすうとどかなかったため再選挙さいせんきょおこなわれることになった。
Due to the fact that not even the candidate who won the most votes reached the necessary count to be elected, a repeat election is to be held.

3. 彼女かのじょ容姿端麗ようしたんれいな・だったため{に X・ø 〇}、数々かずかず男子学生だんしがくせいあこがれのまとだった。
She was the object of adoration of numerous male students due to her attractive face and figure.

4. 彼女かのじょ容姿端麗ようしたんれいなために数々かずかず男子学生告白だんしがくせいこくはくされたりするのにうんざりしている。
She is fed up with having numerous male students confess their love for her due to her attractive face and figure.

5. このため、フジテレビは今後こんご放送ほうそうりやめることにした。
Because of this, Fuji Television has decided to call off further broadcast (of the program).  

6. 業績ぎょうせき右肩下みぎかたさがりの時期じき入社にゅうしゃしたためか組織変更そしきへんこうの繰りかえしでひと出入でいりがはげしい。
Perhaps due to having entered the company at a time when performance was declining, turnover was relentless with repeated structure changes.

Grammar Note: ~ためか is equivalent to “perhaps due to.”

7. あね結婚けっこんするためちちはアルバイトして、おかねを貯めている。
My father is working a part-time job and saving money because my older sister is marrying.

Sentence Note: It may also be the case that the father is saving the money so that his daughter may marry, but this would be something one must confirm whether this is true with the father.

8. あね結婚けっこんするために、アルバイトして、おかねを貯めている。
My older sister is working a part-time job saving money in order to marry.

Sentence Note: Because the agent is the same in all clauses of the sentence, ために is interpreted here as “in order to.” The same can be said for Ex. 9.

9. 研究者けんきゅうしゃなぞさぐため(に)実験じっけんした。
Scientist have also set out to experimenting (in order) to probe the mystery.

10. 秋雨前線あきさめぜんせんちかづいているためくもぞらとなりました。
The weather has become cloudy due to an autumnal rain front approaching.

11. 結局けっきょく最終さいしゅうバスにおくれたためほか友達ともだち徒歩とほでキャンパスへ帰還きかん
Returned to campus by foot with other friends due to ultimately missing the final bus.

Sentence Note: This sentence is representative of blog-style writing.

12. まわりのひとせびらかしたいために、ゲームがしたいために機種きしゅえる、きみ両親りょうしんはそんな理由りゆう何万なんまんえん)もせるわけがいでしょう?
Changing devices because you want to show off to people around or because you want to play a game… there’s no way that your parents could dish out tens of thousands of yen for those sort of reasons, no?

13. ゆうべはぐっすりていたため地震じしんきませんでした。
As I was fast asleep last night, I did not feel the earthquake.

14. 十分じゅうぶん情報じょうほうがないため、サーバーを検証けんしょうできません。
Cannot access server due to insufficient information.

15. 濃霧のうむのためくるまというくるまはみなライトをつけてはしっている。
Due to dense fog, every single car is running with its headlights on.

16. きりのため管制塔かんせいとうからの指示しじがあるまで、着陸ちゃくりく見合みあわせています。
Due to dense fog, landing will be postponed until there are instructions from the control tower.

17. サービスがわるかったため(に)、おきゃくさんがった。
Customers have diminished since service was bad.

 ~ます + ~ため(に)

There are also instances in which you will find the cause-marking ~ため(に) after polite endings such as ~ます, ~ました,  and ~ません in attempt to be more formal. This is also almost entirely used in the written language. Some speakers frown on this practice, preferring the plain speech forms; however, it is nonetheless important to know that both ~ますため and ~ませんため are used a lot.

Particle Note: The particle に is seldom seen after ため in this situation.

18. 現時点げんじてんでは、まだ完治かんちいたっておりませんため今後こんご通院つういんして治療ちりょうつづける予定よていです。
Because I have yet to fully recover at this time, I plan on continuing my treatment through outpatient visits going forward.

19. 返品へんぴん交換こうかんけておりませんため、あらかじめご了承下りょうしょうください。
We do not accept returns and/or trades, so please take this into your consideration.

20. ドリンクだいふくまれておりませんため現場げんばでお支払しはらいいただきます。
Drink fees are not included, and so you will pay on site.

21. パスワードの再登録さいとうろく必要ひつようとなりますため大変たいへん手数てすうをおけしもうわけございませんが、何卒なにとぞ理解りかいとご協力きょうりょくをおねがいたします。
As password re-registration is required, we ask for your understanding and cooperation. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you.

22. なお掲載けいさいまでには規約違反きやくいはんがないかの審査しんさをしておりますためすこしお時間じかんがかかることをご了承りょうしょうください。
Also, because we are inspecting as to whether they are no TOS violations before publication, please understand that it will take some time. 

23. さきほどいただいた内容ないよう確認点かくにんてん御座ございましたため、ご連絡致れんらくいたしました。
I’m contacting because of there being something to confirm in the content we received from you earlier.

Spelling Note: Although ため hasn’t been spelled as 為 elsewhere in this lesson, Ex. 23 particularly exemplifies the style of writing seen in business communications where other phrases that would otherwise not be written in 漢字 are to give off an overall formal feel.

Ambiguity Between Objective/Cause-Marking ~ため(に)

There are some situations in which the agent of A and B are the same. Sometimes this causes ambiguity as to whether ~ために expresses an objective or a cause.

①: When A is a noun, if the noun is one that describes an unrealized thing such as 成功 (success)・健康 (health)・幸福 (happiness), then it expresses an objective.

24. 日々ひび健康けんこうのためにも毎日十分まいにちじゅうぶん睡眠すいみんりましょう。
Get plenty of rest daily for your daily healthy as well.

②: If the noun expresses something that has happened/is happening such as 事故 (accident)・失敗 (failure)・あられ (hail), then it expresses cause.

25. 事故じこのため電車でんしゃおくれております。
The train has been delayed due to an accident.

26. あめのために試合しあい延期えんきします。
We will postpone the game due to the rain.

27. ただいま信号待しんごうまのため(に)停車ていしゃしております。おいそぎのところご迷惑めいわくをおかけします。
We’ve now stopped to wait for a traffic light. We apologize for this inconvenience as you’re in a hurry.

Sentence Note: Although the use of “to” as the English translation may suggest that Ex. 27 demonstrates an objective, it is not the case that the vehicle stopped purposely to wait for a light. Although such a scenario is theoretically possible, it is also the case in English that “to” refers to cause. Changing the translation from “to” to “in order to,” for this reason, would be wrong.

③: For nouns—or even verbal expressions—in the middle that are neither positive nor negative things, only context can tell which interpretation is meant. Both interpretations can also be meant, which is also true for the English equivalent “for” and “to.”

28. 再検査さいけんさをするため(に)先週せんしゅう一日ついたち会社かいしゃやすみました。
I took a day off last week to get re-examined/for a re-examination.

29. ははむかえるためにって掃除そうじをした。
I revved up cleaning to welcome my mother (inside my home).

30. それとも利益りえきのためにそうなったのかはわからない。
And it’s not clear if it happened so because of/for profit.

31. 今年ことし10じゅうがつ誕生日たんじょうびで、はは還暦かんれきむかえるため家族かぞくみんなで3さんぱくのおとま旅行りょこうってきました。
Our whole family went and came back from going on a three-night trip for my mother turning sixty on her birthday this year in October.