Time Counters I: ~日・週間・ヶ月・ 年

Time Counters I: ~日・週間・ヶ月・年

In Lesson 65, we learned how to tell time, but in this lesson, we will be learning how to describe periods of time. You will find the counters used to create these phrases very similar, but a major grammatical difference can be found with how particles are used.

For example, 1分 may refer to the first minute in an hour, but it may also refer to a duration of one minute. While it is expected that に ought to follow it when telling the time, it is actually ungrammatical to use it when referring to duration. This is because when a time counter is used to mark duration, it functions solely as an adverb, making に redundant at best.

1. 10時1分にアラームを設定しました。
I set an alarm for 10:01.

2a. 1分も経っていない。〇
2b. 1分にも経っていない。X
Not even a minute has passed yet.

Number of Days 日数

Periods of days are counted with ~日(間), with the addition of 間 being more common in formal language. Except for “one day,” all such expressions are read with the same readings used for the days of the month.

19 じゅうくにち(かん)20はつか(かん)24にじゅうよっか(かん)
 50 ごじゅうにち(かん) 100 ひゃくにち(かん) ?なんにち(かん)

1. The expression 一日間, although not ungrammatical, is rarely utilized outside of forms where such an entry is valid.
2. Sino-Japanese readings for day periods which traditionally still utilize the native word do exist in theory, but they are not to be used in practice. In times past, Sino-Japanese readings prevailed in certain written contexts, but the purposeful use of say にじゅうにちかん instead of はつか would only be done to verify what someone has said, never as the typical way to say “twenty days.”

3. このソフトウェアを30日間無料で使いました。
I used this software free for 30 days.

4. ヨーロッパを10日間旅行しました。
I traveled Europe for ten days.

5. 配達には二日かかります。
It takes two days for delivery.

6. 熱が6日も続きました。
The fever continued for six days.

7. 何日滞在する予定ですか。
How long will you stay?

Weeks ~週間

Periods of weeks are counted with ~週間, with 間 not being omittable.

4よんしゅうかん 5ごしゅうかん6ろくしゅうかん
7ななしゅうかん 8はちしゅうかん

8. 一週間は七日(間)です。
A week is seven days.

9. 仕事でモスクワに出張して、そこで2週間過ごしました。
I went on a business trip to Moscow for work, and I spent two weeks there.

10. 20日から丸一週間雪が(降り)続きました。
Snow continued to fall for a whole week since the twentieth.

11. 明日から3週間お願いします。
For three weeks from tomorrow, please.

Months ~ヶ月(間)

To count periods of months, the counter ~ヶ月(間), with the appearance of 間 mirroring how it works with days. Note that ヶ may be alternatively spelled as か, ヵ, or even 箇 with no change in meaning.

1いっかげつ(かん)2にかげつ(かん) 3さんかげつ(かん)

12. 一ヶ月は約4週間です。
There are about four weeks in a month.

13. 2ヶ月分を払いました。
 I paid two months’ worth.

14. 3ヶ月も友達に会っていなかった。
I hadn’t met my friends in three months.

15. 5ヶ月間思いっきり筋トレしています。
I’ve been weight training wholeheartedly for five months.

The Counter  ~月

Alternatively, you will find that the native counter for periods of month, ~月(つき), is commonly used with the numbers 1-4. Note that this counter is not paired with the suffix ~間.

 1 ひとつき 2 ふたつき 3 みつき 4 よつき

16. 一月3000円です!
It’s 3,000 yen a month!

17. ふた月でも、み月でも待ちます。
I will wait, whether it be two months or even three months.

18. 三日でも三月でも構いませんよ。
I don’t mind if it’s three days or three months.

19. 家賃はひと月いくらですか。
How much is rent per month?

20. 月々の支払いは{2ヶ月・ふた月}滞っています。
(My) monthly payment is two months behind.

Historical Note: Historically, this counter could be used beyond 4 like in the phrase, 十月十日, which refers to the general length of a pregnancy.

Years ~年(間)

To count periods of years, the counter ~年(間), with the use of 間 mirroring how it is used with days and months.


21. 台湾語を3年間くらい勉強しています。
I’ve been studying Taiwanese for three years.

22. マレー(シア)語を習得するのに5年間かかりました。
It took me five years to acquire Malay.

23. 私は南アフリカに10年(間)住んでいました。
I lived in South Africa for ten years.

24. 保証は5年間です。
The warranty is for five years.

25.  彼は8年間先生をしています。
He has been a teacher for eight years.

The Counter ~ヶ年

The counter ~ヶ年 translates as “over…years,” and it is frequently employed in legislation and business settings. However, 1ヶ年 is infrequently used because “one year” is typically too short for major projects to take place.

Orthography Note: ヶ・か・ヵ・箇 are always interchangeable.

1いっかねん △2にかねん 3さんかねん4よんかねん
5ごかねん6ろっかねん 7ななかねん8はちかねん
9きゅうかねん10 じゅっかねん

26. 5ヶ年計画を実施しました。
We implemented a five-year plan.

27. 10年の戦略を実現しました。
We actualized a 10-year strategy.

28. 新たな3ヶ年数値目標を発表しました。
We announced a new three-year target value.

29. 我々は2ヶ年にわたる研究に着手しました。
We embarked a two-year long study.

30. 人生50ヶ年計画を立てました。
I made a fifty-year life plan.

The Counter ~年生

The counter ~年生 is used to indicate what grade in school someone is in.

1いちねんせい2にねんせい3さんねんせい 4よねんせい
5ごねんせい6ろくねんせい7ななねんせい 8はちねんせい

It is important to note that after 6, the only time one would use this counter would be when referencing the American school system which is divided into 12 grade levels. Although the Japanese education system is also divided into 12 grades, they are referred to as follows:

Grade 1小学校1年小1
Grade 2小学校2年小2
Grade 3小学校3年小3
Grade 4小学校4年小4
Grade 5小学校5年小5
Grade 6小学校6年小6
Grade 7中学校1年中1
Grade 8中学校2年中2
Grade 9中学校3年中3
Grade 10高校1年高1
Grade 11高校2年高2
Grade 12高校3年高3 

31. 1年生がたくさん来ました。
A lot of first graders came.

32. 僕は去年中学2年生でした。
I was in eighth grade last year.

33. 彼女は今ハーバード大学の4年生です。
She is now a senior at Harvard.

The Counter ~学年

学年 means “academic year” and it may also be used as a counter.

9きゅうがくねん10じゅうがくねん11 じゅういちがくねん?なんがくねん 

34. 1学年で学習する内容を指定しました。
We designated what material is to be studied in one academic year.

35. 2学年差の兄弟がいます。
I have siblings two grades apart (from me).