Direction Intransitives + を: 向く

Direction Intransitives + を: 向く

There are a handful of verbs in Japanese that handle direction. Of these, the first verbs that come to mind are words like 行く(to go), 来る (to come), 歩く (to walk), and 走る (to run). The particles that are naturally associated with these verbs are に and へ, but most intrinsically に. The use of these particles indicate that these verbs are 自動詞  (intransitive verbs) as opposed to 他動詞 (transitive verbs).

However, it is not the case that all direction verbs are intransitive. For example, consider the following verbs:

・指す (to point)                                       

1. コンパスの指針ししん北西ほくせいした。
The compass needle pointed northwest.

・指差す (to point at)

2. 彼女かのじょ玄関先げんかんさきかれた花瓶かびん指差ゆびさした。
She pointed at the vase placed at the front door.

・見る (to see/look)

3. ちゃんとまえ注意ちゅういしながらあるいてください。
Please walk while paying attention by properly looking in front of you.

・捜す (to search)

4. 公園こうえんはじっこのほうをさがすとつかるかもしれない。
You might find it if you search the edge of the park.

・向ける (to turn towards)
 5. 事実じじつ道理どうりける。
To turn one’s back on facts and logic.

・目指す (to aim/head for)

6. 与党よとう野党やとう大筋同おおすじおなじ方向を目指めざしている。
The ruling party and the opposition party are both aiming roughly in the same direction.

These six verbs demonstrate that although verbs of direction may mostly be intransitive, there are a few handfuls that are in fact transitive. What this demonstrates is that “direction” can at times be conceptualized as the “object” of a verb rather than just a destination point.

In this lesson, we will learn about how the particle を is used with one intransitive verb of direction in particular: 向く. Although it has the transitive form 向ける, 向く is frequently seen paired with を. The verb itself has a handful of meanings, each presenting clarity as to how particles work with it.

Other semantically similar verbs behave similarly to 向く, and so upon fully studying 向く and its important derivatives, we’ll spend some time looking at this grammar phenomenon with other examples.

The Verb 向く & Its Derivatives


The verb 向く is one of only three verbs of direction that seemingly behave as transitive verbs with the case particle を despite being intrinsically intransitive. The remaining two verbs are 振り向く (to turn around) and 振り返る (to look/think back (on), but both of these verbs overlap semantically with 向く. The thought process as to why を is allowed with these verbs comes from the fact that the action carried out—shift in direction—isn’t so much an objective change of state, but rather a subjective action done by the agent; it is this direction of sense, if you will, that allows 向くto behave like a transitive verb as most transitive verbs in Japanese imply an active agent causing the action in question to occur. By proxy, this affects 振り向くand 振り返る as we will also look at in further detail.

を向く can be used even with non-volitional agents. In other words, even if the doer of the action isn’t necessarily doing the act of turning out of its own volition, the particle を is still overwhelmingly used. When the agent is overtly purposely doing the act of turning, then を becomes obligatory.

For を向く to be grammatical, the “object” must be one that can be conceptualized as a direction word. If it can’t, it will need to take のほう (the direction of).

7. うえいているときは、かんがえをまとめているときです。
When one’s eyes are facing up, it’s when one is gathering one’s thoughts.

8. おもさで扇風機せんぷうきしたいてしまいます。
The fan faces downward due to its weight.

9. したくな。
Don’t look down.

Grammar Note: The を seen in Exs. 7-9 can be interpreted as the を seen with intransitive verbs of movement, making its usage obligatory in situations such as theses.

10. ナマケモノは真後まうしろをいたまま、木登きのぼりができる。
Sloths can climb trees whilst still facing right behind them.

11. 本殿ほんどのうみいてっている。
The main shrine is built towards the sea.

12. 医者いしゃのほうをいてではなく、患者かんじゃさんのほうをいて仕事しごとをしたい。
I want to work turned towards the patients and not towards the physician.

13. ぼくはふいと笑美子えみこさんのほうをいて言葉ことばをかけた。
I suddenly turned toward Emiko and spoke to her. 

14. 黒板こくばんいてくことが中心ちゅうしん授業じゅぎょうでは、子供達こどもたち集中しゅうちゅう長続ながつづきしません。
In classes centered around listening whilst facing the board, the children’s concentration won’t last long either.

The Transitive Verb 向ける 

When moving something into a certain direction, however, the direction becomes an indirect object, thus requiring the transitive form 向ける to be used.

15. 謙太郎けんたろうが、ひだり扇風機せんぷうきしたに、みぎ扇風機せんぷうきみぎけた。
Kentaro pointed the fan on the left downward and the fan on the right to the right.

16. ひとばかりうつるので、カメラレンズをうえけた。
Because only people would be in the picture, I pointed the camera lens upward.

It is also the case that を向ける can follow direction words, and when it does, it implies explicit active will on the part of the agent in turning that said direction.

17. みなひだりいたとき、あなただけみぎけるか。
Only you turn to the right when everyone turns to the left?

Sentence Note: In Ex. 17 above, the first clause uses を向く with no implied nuance of the subject “everyone” truly purposely orienting to the left, but the second clause uses を向ける, which does imply that the subject “you” are purposely orienting yourself to the right.


It goes without saying that the original particle that has always been paired with 向く has been に. This make senses as even in English, the word “toward(s)” usually follows “to turn.” The destination/direction of the orientation of the subject is emphasized with the use of に, and consequently, there isn’t an implied active agent. Lastly, the state that に向く describes must be one that will or is ongoing.

18. 新月しんげつころは、地球ちきゅう太陽たいようらされためんが、ほぼつきのほうにいている。
In a new moon, the side of the Earth that is illuminated by the Sun is roughly pointed towards the Moon.

Sentence Note: In Ex. 18, the side of the Earth illuminated by the sun is not purposely oriented toward the moon. This statement is a simply fact of observation being made about a natural phenomenon.

19. わたし関心かんしんはいつも未来みらいいている。
My interests are always directed to the future.

20. 主人公しゅじんこうあしくところにはほのおひろがっていた。
Flames spread where the protagonist’s feed headed.

Grammar Note: The phrase 足が向く, alternatively seen as 足の向く when modifying a noun phrase as is the case in Ex. 20, uses the particle が before 向く only because no direction-noun is stated. If there were, it would be marked withに or へ.

21. 仕事柄しごとがら本屋ほんやくと、美術びじゅつほんのコーナーにあしく。
Because of my work, when I go to a book store, my feet head for the fine arts corner.

22. いえきがすこななめにいている。
The aspect of the house is slightly tilted.

There is a particular usage of に向く that is unique to it and not shared with を向く—or へ向く which is to be showcased next—is being synonymous with ~に適している, “to be suited/apt/fit for…”

23. アナウンサーにいているひと特徴とくちょうなにでしょうか。
What are the characteristics of someone who’s fit for announcing.

24. うちの息子むすこは物書きにいていない。
My son is not cut out for writing.

25. だれしも、いま仕事しごとおもうような結果けっかないと、「自分じぶんはこの仕事しごといていないのでは」という疑問ぎもんあたまをよぎったりする。
Whenever one doesn’t get the results that one thought at one’s current job, the question as to whether “one is suited for the job” will cross anyone’s mind.

26. かれ体型たいけい水泳すいえいいている。
His build is suited for swimming.


へ向く is largely synonymous with the first sense of に向く, but it is especially when one wishes to express a change in orientation that is heading away from an original position.

27. 苗木なえぎ太陽たいようほういてぐんぐんと成長せいちょうしている。
The saplings are growing steadily toward the sun.

28. きみはどっちの方角ほうがくあしくかね。
I wonder which direction you’ll head for.

29. 中国ちゅうごく視線しせんいま米国べいこくいている。
China’s gaze is currently pointed toward America.

30. いつもがいいている意識いしき内側うちがわけ、仕事しごとのストレスをやわらげましょう。
Point your awareness which is always pointed outward inward and alleviate your work stress.

Grammar Note: Ex. 30 demonstrates how へ向く, and by proxy に向く are suitable for when 向く is used with abstract subjects. を向く would, in fact, be incorrect. 

Differences Matter 

Given that を向く, に向く, へ向く, and  ~を(~に)向ける aren’t exactly the same, it’s only natural that they can all occur at the same time. Ex. 19 is an example of all four of these forms used in tandem.  

31. 上半身じょうはんしんみぎけて、このみぎいた時間じかんながいほど、インパクトでからだ正面しょうめんいている時間じかん一瞬いっしゅんで、素早すばやひだりいていくというのがポイントです。
The point is to point your upper body to the right, and the longer it’s pointed to the right, the time the body points to the front at impact becomes instantaneous, at which point the body swiftly faces leftward.  

The Intransitive Verb 向かう

Another verb that derives from 向く is 向かう. It’s a combination of 向くand the archaic auxiliary verb ふ, which is used to express a continuous state. 向かう means “to face” or “to go towards.” Even still, there is a subtle nuance that once one “faces” or “heads toward” X that the state will last for a certain length of time, or that the change in orientation will have a measurable duration. This verb is solely intransitive and either takes the particles に or へ, but never を.

32. 大型おおがた台風たいふう15じゅうごごう日本にほんかっている。
Large-scale Typhoon #15 is heading toward Japan.

33. ふゆかっているのに、なんていいお天気てんき
Although we’re heading to winter, what great weather it is (today)!

34. 入院にゅういんのブッシュ元大統領もとだいとうりょう快方かいほうかう
Hospitalized Former President Bush Getting Better

The Suffixes ~向き & ~向け

The suffixes ~向き and ~向け are very similar, but there are a few subtle differences that ultimately make the latter far more commonly used. Don’t let commonality, though, confuse you into never using the former as it is necessary in its own circumstances, which are detailed first below.

 The Suffix ~向き

The first usage of ~向き is to mean “facing” when attached to literal direction words such as 東 (east) and 南 (south).

35. 食器棚しょっきだなにおさらやコップをはいれるとき下向したむきにいたほうがいいんでしょうか。
Is it best to place themes bottom up when putting up plates and cups in the cupboard?

36. せっかくあたらしいいえむのなら、あかるい南向みなみむきがいい。
If you’re going to go through the trouble of living in a new home, one facing the bright southerly direction would be best.

37. わたしのようにいまネガティブな思考しこうをしているほうも、前向まえむきになりたいとおもったことがあるはずです。
People who, like me, think negatively now should have had a moment where they wanted to become positive.

Phrase Note: 前向き literally means “facing forward” and is usually used in the sense of being “positive/proactive.”

Another usage of ~向き is being equivalent to ~に適した (suited/apt/fit for…). This usage is also seen in the phrase 向き不向き, which means “being cut out for certain things and not for others.” It is implied that the suitability is naturally so.

38. 安心あんしんしてらせる学生向がくせいむきの物件ぶっけん数多かずおおあつかっています。
We handle a vast number of properties suited for students to be able to live with peace of mind.

39. この小説しょうせつ偶然ぐうぜんにも、日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうしている外国人向がいこくじんむきでもある。
This novel is coincidentally also suited for foreigners who are studying Japanese.

40. これは韓国人向かんこくじんむきの辛口からくちビールです。
This is a spicy beer suited for Koreans.

41. 仕事しごと不向ふむきってあるんですか。
Is there such thing as some things being cut or not cut out for you in jobs?

The Suffix ~向け 

Similarly, ~向け is used to indicate that something has been tailored towards something/someone. Essentially, it indicates a target. For instance, 日本向けの商品 means “merchandise tailored/targeted for Japan.”

42. 初心者向しょしんしゃむけのIMABIの教科書きょうかしょいたい。
 I wish I could buy an IMABI textbook made for beginners.

43. 日本にほんんでいたときは、大人向けの教養番組きょうようばんぐみをいつもていた。 
When I lived in Japan, I always watched educational programs made for adults.  

44. 菅元総理大臣すげもとそうりだいじんはいくつかの全国向ぜんこくむけテレビ演説えんぜつをしました。
Prime Minister Kan made several nation-wide televised speeches.

Other Mentions: 振り向く, 振り返る, & 注目する


In the sense of “to draw interest in…”, 振り向く is used with the particle に. Otherwise, in the sense of meaning “to look back at,” it is always used with the particle を.

45. 興味きょうみのあることにはいてわせますが、興味きょうみのないことにはきもしないことは、日常にちじょうでもよくあることです。
Giving attention and making eye contact with things that are not interesting but not giving a bit of attention to things that aren’t interesting is something that often happens in the ordinary.

46. あなたのきなひとがどんなひとに振りくのかリサーチしましょう。
Research the kind of person the person you like gives attention to!

47. あのあさ息子むすこ学校がっこうおくしたとき、こちらを振りいたかおがまさか最後さいごになるとはおもいもしませんでした。
That morning when I sent off my son to school, I had no idea that the face he gave me when looking back would be his last. 

振り返る  に振り返る is used in the sense of “to look back at” in a literal sense due to something (noises, etc.) whereas を振り返る is used in a figurative sense as in “to think back on.”

48. 背後はいご奇妙きみょう物音ものおとかえった。
I turned around at the strange sounds in the back.

49. おどろきながら爆発音ばくはつおんかえった。
I turned around surprised at the noise of the explosion.

50. 50ごじゅう年以上ねんいじょうむかしかえる。
To think back on olden times over fifty years ago.


In Standard Japanese grammar, 注目する (to notice) is used with the particle に. It is synonymous with 目を向ける, which makes it clear why it would take に. However, because it is semantically very similar to other verbs like 見る (to see/look), 注視する (to gaze steadily), and  監視する (to monitor) which all take を, some speakers do happen to say を注目する. It is important to reiterate, though, that に注目する is still the true, correct form.

51. 画面左下がめんひだりした{に・△ を}注目ちゅうもくする。
Notice the bottom left of the screen.

52. 今後こんごどうなるか{に・△ を}注目ちゅうもくしてください。
Please pay attention to what becomes of it from now on.

53. 毎日まいにちツイート{に・△ を}注目ちゅうもくしてください。
Please pay attention to tweets every day.

54. 医療業界いりょうぎょうかいきを{注視ちゅうし・△ 注目ちゅうもく}する。
To observe the development of the medical care industry.

55. 画面がめん右下みぎした{に・△を}注目ちゅうもくしてないよね。
You aren’t paying attention to the bottom right of the screen, huh.