Disregard IV

第305課: Disregard IV: {に・も}構わず, をよそに, & にもめげず(に)

In this fourth and final installation of expressions concerning disregard, we will cover expressions that revolve around the subject not caring about “X” when doing “Y.” 


The verb 構う means “to mind/be concerned with.” Typically, it is used as an intransitive verb, which is why it takes に in most of the following examples.

1. わたし全然構ぜんぜんかまいません。
I don’t mind at all.

2. わたしかまわないでください。
Don’t bother me.

3. 他人たにんのことにかまっていられない。
I have too many of my own problems to deal with the problems of others.

In the expression {に・も}構わず, it is used to show that one doesn’t care about “X” as one goes about doing “Y.” The use of も makes the verb transitive, and it is also makes the expression more emphatic overall.

4. 母親ははおや合鍵あいかぎっているので、時間じかんかまわずしかけてくることもあります。
My mother has a duplicate key, so she often comes intruding on me regardless of the time.

5. かれあめれるのもかまわずおみせあるつづけた。
He continued walking to the store whilst not caring about getting wet.

6. あの男性だんせいは、近所きんじょひと迷惑めいわくかまわず、毎晩遅まいばんおそくまでさわいでいる。
That man makes racket late into the night every evening without caring about the trouble it causes his neighbors.

7. 彼女かのじょ人目ひとめもかまわずした。
She burst into tears without caring about attention from others.

8. ぎっくりごし場所ばしょ時間じかんもかまわずおそってくるものです。
A strained back attacks irrespective of place and time.

9. あのみせ常連客じょうれんきゃくのほとんどは、値段ねだんかまわず高価こうか商品しょうひんもとめる老婦人ろうふじんだ。
Most of the regular customers of that shop are old women who buy expensive products without caring about price.

10. かれ家族かぞく心配しんぱいもかまわず、実家じっか上京じょうきょうした。
He left his parents’ home and went to Tokyo without caring about his family’s worries.

11. 彼女かのじょ給料きゅうりょうもかまわずにきな仕事しごとをやることにした。
She decided to work that she liked without carrying about the salary.

12. なんにもかまわずに、ありのままで自分じぶんになるんだ。
I will be my true self without carrying about anything.

13. 所構ところかまわずゴミをてるひとになります。
People who throw trash away indiscriminately of place bother me.

14. わたしにかまわず、おさきにどうぞ。
Please don’t mind me. Go on ahead.

15. かれらは周囲しゅうい{に・も}かまわずキスしたりイチャイチャしたりしていた。
They were kissing and making out without regard to their surroundings. 


The expression をよそに is used to show that one completely disregards and shoves “X” as one goes ahead and does “Y.” It is often used with words like 批判 (criticism), 反対 (opposition), 心配 (worry), etc.

16. 国民こくみん反対はんたいこえをよそに、改正案かいせいあん可決かけつされた。
Despite voices of opposition from the people, the reform bill was passed.

17. 県民けんみん抗議こうぎをよそに、軍事基地ぐんじきち建設計画けんせつけいかくすすめられている。
Despite protest from the people of the prefecture, construction plans for the military base are underway.

18. おや心配しんぱいをよそに、うでれてギプスをしている憲太郎けんたろうはまたも友達ともだちあそびにかけてしまった。
Kentaro, who broke his arm which is in a cast, went out again to have fun with friends despite his parents’ worries.

19. 共和党きょうわとうは、国民こくみん批判ひはんをよそに、今年ことし増税法案ぞうぜいほうあん提出ていしゅつした。
The Republican Party has submitted a tax increase bill this year as well despite criticism from the people.

20. 先生せんせい怒鳴どなられてみな緊張きんちょうしているのをよそに、彼氏かれしだけぼんやりと馬鹿ばかみたいに天井てんじょういていた。
Only my boyfriend is the one looking up at the ceiling aimlessly like an idiot despite everyone being nervous from being shouted at by the teacher.

21. かれ両親りょうしん心配しんぱいをよそに、ゲームに没頭ぼっとうしている。
He has lost himself in gaming despite his parents’ worries.

22. あめ予報よほうをよそに、かさたずにタイミングよく素晴すばらしい晴天せいてんで、彼氏かれし一緒いっしょみずうみのほとりを散歩さんぽすることができた。
I was able to walk along the lake together with my boyfriend without bringing umbrellas under wonderful clear skies thanks to good timing despite the forecast for rain.

23. 住民じゅうみん不安ふあんをよそに、知事ちじ原発げんぱつ再稼働さいかどうみとめた。
Despite uneasiness that the residents have, the governor has approved the resuming operations of nuclear power.

24. 家族かぞく期待きたいをよそに、おとうと結局大学けっきょくだいがくにははいらずにアルバイト生活せいかつつづけている。
My little brother, despite the family’s expectations, ended up not getting into college and continues being a part-time worker.

25. お祭りの渋滞をよそに、素通りして帰宅した。
I passed by the congestion from the festival when I returned home.

26. 彼は医者の忠告をよそに、毎日お酒を飲んでいる。
Despite his doctor’s warning, he drinks every day.

27. 核兵器禁止条約かくへいききんしじょうやくをよそに、北朝鮮きたちょうせんやイランなどといったくに核実験かくじっけんおこなつづけている。
There are nations such as North Korea and Iran that continue performing nuclear tests despite the Nuclear Weapons Convention.

28. 国民こくみん非難ひなんをよそに、その汚職政治家おしょくせいじかはまたしても議席ぎせきかえいた。
The corrupt politician made yet another comeback to his seat despite reproach from the people.

The word よそ, especially when written as 他所・余所, may also mean “elsewhere.”

29. 他所よそみせぎょうきな!
Go to another store!

30. 今夜こんや他所よしょまらなきゃ。
I have to stay somewhere else tonight.


The pattern にもめげず(に) is used after nouns that relate to personal adversity that the speaker then overcomes somehow in situation Y. This phrase is typically literary, but the subject of the action is painted in a very positive light.

31. 彼は度重たびかさなる不幸ふこうにもめげず、いつも前向まえむきだった。
He was always positive in the face of repeated sorrows.

32. このまちなしは、悪条件あくじょうけんにもめげず、立派りっぱに美味しいです。
This town’s peaches are splendidly delicious even with unfavorable conditions.

33. かれはどんな困難こんなんにもめげずにゆめあきらめなかった。
He didn’t give up on his dreams despite whatever hardship.

34. その選手せんしゅは、苦境くきょうにもめげず、試合しあいかってメダルをった。
The athlete thought nothing of his predicament, faced the match, and won the medal.

35. 田中たなかはどんな不幸ふこう不運ふうんにもめげず、いつも笑顔えがおやさない。
Tanaka never stops smiling, not discouraged by whatever sorrow or misfortune.

36. 数々かずかず試練しれんにもめげず、ヒロインひろいん未来みらいひらいていく。
Not discouraged by numerous trials, the heroine opens up the future.

37. 大地震おおじしんにもめげずに 元気げんき健気けなげしま人々ひとびとにほっとした。
I was relieved with how the people of the island were gallant and vigorous, and not discouraged by the great quake.

38. 台風たいふうにもめげずに沖縄おきなわからってきました。
I’ve returned from Okinawa despite the typhoon.

39. 彼は病気びょうきにもめげず、多忙たぼう毎日まいにちにもへこたれずにたのしくきている。
He lives happily and not discouraged even as each day is busy despite his illness.

40. 日本にほんのモノづくり企業きぎょうは、どんな逆風ぎゃくふうにもめげず、知恵ちえ忍耐力にんたいりょく克服こくふくしてきた。
Japan’s manufacturers have overcome all sorts of adversity with wit and perseverance.