Four-Character Idioms

Four-Character Idioms 

In Japanese, idioms that are created via four Kanji are known as 四字熟語1, which literally means “four character compound word.” Technically, the term may refer to all words made up of four Kanji. In a narrow-sense, however, it specifically refers to idiomatic expressions of that character length. the word refers to four character set expressions.

What is an Idiom?

An idiom (慣用句・成語) is defined as any group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.

IdiomLiteral InterpretationIdiomatic Meaning
(Localized to English)
氷山の一角Corner of an icebergTip of the iceberg
鼻の差でBy the difference of a noseA hair away from
弁慶の泣き所The place on Benkei which (makes) him cryAchilles’ heel

Let’s consider the final example 弁慶の泣き所, which may literally be interpreted as meaning “the place on Benkei which (makes) him cry.” Benkei is the name of a 12th century warrior monk, and it was his shin where, if kicked, would bring him to tears. This phrase then became analogous for the meaning of “shin/Achilles heel” The meaning of “shin2” cannot be deduced from a literal interpretation of the words involved. Note how “Achilles heel” is equally idiomatic as the Japanese idiom.

Not all strings of four Kanji are idioms. For example, whereas 四面楚歌しめんそか (to be surrounded by enemies on all four sides) is idiomatic, 大学教育 (college education) is not. What decides this is the relative idiomacy (熟合度) of the phrase.

Sources for 四字熟語

There are various sources of inspiration that account for four-character idioms:

  1. From modern society – ex. 官官接待 meaning “bureaucrats entertaining bureaucrats using public funds.”
  2. Those made in Japan and read with KUN readings – ex. 手練手管(てれんてくだ) meaning “art of coaxing.”
  3. From Chinese literature – ex. 臥薪嘗胆(がしんしょうたん)meaning “enduring unspeakable hardships for the sake of vengeance.”
  4. From Buddhist terminology – ex. 四苦八苦 meaning “the four and eight kinds of suffering.”
  5. From the insertion of 之 which has been used in neo-classical and Chinese-style Japanese literature in place of の3.
  6. From kundoku 訓読, the process of reading kanbun 漢文4.

Though four-character idioms, in large part, derive from Chinese, some examples such as 七転八倒 – “writhing in agony” in Japanese but “very confused” in Chinese – have changed meaning since entering Japanese.

Basic 四字熟語

To familiarize yourself with 四字熟語, you will first need to have a fairly strong knowledge in Kanji, as in many cases, knowing the literal meaning of each Kanji will be hard enough, and that puts aside what the idiomatic meaning of the phrase at a whole may mean. First, though, we will go over the most important examples.

1. To cut in two with a single strike
2. To take drastic measures

All is vanity5


To follow people blindly.

1. Well-fed and well-dressed
2. Being blessed materially

Once in a lifetime

1. A beautiful woman is destined to die young
2. Beauty and fortune seldom go together
3. The beautiful die young

Matchmaker; go-between

1. Self-righteousness
2. Holy am I alone

1. Double-dealer
2. Moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict

Killing two birds with one stone

Bitter enemies in the same boat by fate

Smooth sailing

You reap what you sow

1. Survival of the fittest
2. Laws of the Jungle

1. Freedom from one’s desires
2. Nirvana is true bliss

1. Love affair
2. Romantic entanglement

1. Idling one’s life away
2. Dreaming away one’s life accomplishes nothing significant

1. To each his own
2. So many people, so many minds
3. Everyone has his own interests and ideas

Being preoccupied with immediate superficial differences without realizing that there is no difference in substance

Being of one mind; acting in one accord/perfect harmony

Those who meet must part

1. All living things must die

1. Self-seeking
2. Feathering one’s own nest
3. Drawing water for one’s own field

Totally at a loss; in a fog

1. Antique-looking
2. With the patina of age

1. Crying wine and selling vinegar; using a better name to sell inferior goods
2. Extravagant advertisement

Sudden rain shower in a dust storm

1. Beauty of nature
2. Beautifully played music
3. Tall mountains and rushing water

1. The beauties of nature

In small groups

Sweeping expanse

Halcyon weather/times

Narrow escape from death

At 50 one comes to know the will of Heaven

Sexual liaison

Meager sum of money

Totally illiterate

The return of spring

Advantage and its disadvantage

One’s every move

Dying for one’s country

Lack of learning and ability

Complete, tranquil, and in harmony


1. Complete change in public sentiment

1. One in body and soul

Bon voyage

1. Everything going well

Change in attitude

Find a kindred spirit

1. Talented people tend to be delicate
2. Men of genius tend to be of delicate health

A drop in the ocean

Being separated by a narrow stretch of water

1. Refreshing breeze and the bright moon

Pure in heart

Conveyance of lower class opinions to the powers that be

Suddenly and precipitately

1. Otium cum dignitate
2. Living a life of leisure and dignity

1. A sly old dog of much worldly wisdom

Play for all or nothing

Brazen and unscrupulous; shameless

1. A bystander’s vantage point
2. Onlookers of a game see more than the actual players do

Additional 四字熟語

Many, many more of these idioms exist. In fact, entire dictionaries are devoted to 四字熟語.

一分一厘いちぶいちりんNot even a bit
 一網打尽いちもうだじんWholesale arrest
暗雲低迷あんうんていめいDark clouds hanging low
悪戦苦闘あくせんくとうHard struggle
一瞬絶句いっしゅんぜっくRendered speechless for a moment
一生懸命いっしょうけんめい With all one’s might
 一心不乱 いっしんふらん With heart and soul
迂闊千万うかつせんばんVery careless
宇宙開闢うちゅうかいびゃくSince the dawn of time
容貌端正ようぼうたんせいTo have handsome and clean-cut features
有史以来ゆうしいらいSince the dawn of history
和洋折衷わようせっちゅうA blending of Japanese and Western styles
和光同塵わこうどうじんWise men softening their light while with the mundane world
老少不定ろうしょうふじょうDeath comes to old and young alike
劣弱意識れつじゃくいしきInferior complex
縷々綿々るるめんめんTo go on and on in tedious detail
流転生死るてんしょうじAll things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth
風声鶴唳ふうせいかくれいTo be frightened by the slightest noise
風林火山ふうりんかざんSwift as wind, quiet as forest, fierce as fire, and immovable as mountains
武運長久ぶうんちょうきゅうContinued luck in the fortunes of war
複雑多岐ふくざつたきComplex and wide-ranging
表裏一体ひょうりいったいThe two sides of the same coin
比翼連理ひよくれんりPerfect conjugal harmony between husband and wife
百人百様ひゃくにんひゃくようSo many men, so many ways
眉目秀麗びもくしゅうれいHaving a handsome face
飛耳長目ひじちょうもくBeing well-versed on something
万緑一紅ばんりょくいっこうOne item of quality standing out among many
万事承知ばんじしょうちBeing well aware of
八方美人はっぽうびじんA woman who looks beautiful from all angles
拈華微笑ねんげみしょうHeart-to-heart communication
如是我聞にょぜがもんThese ears have heard
如露如電にょろにょでんExistence is as incorporeal as the morning dew or flash of lightning
南無八幡なむはちまんI beseech your aid against my enemy!
内剛外柔ないごうがいじゅうBeing gentle on the outside but tough on the inside
土崩瓦解どほうがかいComplete collapse
道聴塗説どうちょうとせつShallow-minded mouthing of secondhand information
闘志満々とうしまんまんBrimming with fighting spirit
東西古今とうざいここんAll times and places
桃紅柳緑とうこうりゅうりょくThe beautiful scenery of spring
同工異曲どうこういきょくDifferent in appearance but the same in content
天網恢恢てんもうかいかいHeaven’s vengeance is slow but sure
恬淡虚無てんたんきょむRising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless
天真流露てんしんりゅうろManifestation of one’s natural sincerity
天地晦冥てんちかいめいThe world is covered in darkness
天空海闊てんくうかいかつThe open sky and serene sea
天下泰平てんかたいへいPeaceful and tranquil
痛快淋漓つうかいりんりTo be extremely delightful
痴話喧嘩ちわげんかLover’s quarrel
跳梁跋扈ちょうりょうばっこEvildoers being rampant and roaming at will
寵愛一身ちょうあいっしんTo stand highest in one’s master’s favor
忠言逆耳ちゅうげんぎゃくじGood advice is harsh to the ear
躊躇逡巡ちゅうちょしゅんじゅんHesitation and vacillation
魑魅魍魎ちみもうりょうAll sorts of weird creatures
着眼大局ちゃくがんたいきょくTo take a broad view of things
智慧不惑ちえふわくA wise man never wavers
知行合一ちこうごういつThe doctrine of the unity of knowledge and action
単刀直入たんとうちょくにゅうGoing right to the point
男尊女卑だんそんじょひMale domination of women
 多岐亡羊 たきぼうようThe truth is hard to find when there are too many paths
大漁貧乏たいりょうびんぼうImpoverishment of fisherman due to a bumper catch
大胆巧妙だいたんこうみょうBold and clever
大山鳴動たいざんめいどうA big fuss over nothing
大器晩成たいきばんせいGreat talents mature late
則天去私そくてんきょしFollowing heaven and abandoning self
造反有理ぞうはんゆうりTo rebel is justified
先憂後楽せんゆうこうらくHardship now, pleasure later
戦々恐々せんせんきょうきょうTo be filled with trepidation
絶体絶命ぜったいぜつめいDesperate situation
切磋琢磨せっさたくまCultivating one’s mind by studying hard
世上万般せじょうばんぱんEverything in this world
青天白日せいてんはくじつTo be cleared of all charges
正邪善悪せいじゃぜんあくRight and wrong
政権亡者せいけんもうじゃOne who is obsessed with political power
酔眼朦朧すいがんもうろうWith drunken eyes
垂涎三尺すいぜんさんじゃくAvid desire
衰退一途すいたいいっとBeing on the wane
頭寒足熱ずかんそくねつKeeping the head cool and the feet warm
人馬一体じんばいったいUnity of rider and horse
心頭滅却しんとうめっきゃくClearing one’s mind of all mundane thoughts
神色自若しんしょくじじゃくPerfect composure
心身一如しんしんいちにょBody and mind as one
辛酸甘苦しんさんかんくHardships and joy
諸行無常しょぎょうむじょうAll worldly things are transitory
四面楚歌しめんそかTo be surrounded by enemies on all sides
生者必滅しょうじゃひつめつAll living things must die
純真無垢じゅんしんむくPure and innocent
秋風落莫しゅうふうらくばくForlorn and helpless
遮二無二しゃにむにRushing headlong
詩人墨客しじんぼっかくPoets and artists
残念無念ざんねんむねんWhat a pity!
昨非今是 さくひこんぜComplete reversal of values
  1. These idioms also go by 四字漢語, 四字成語, or 四文字熟語. For academic punctuality, the term “四字成語” is preferred because it means “four character set phrase.” However, most people refer to them as “四字熟語.” Due to their origin, most can also be called “四字漢語.”  ↩︎
  2. It is worth noting that the non-idiomatic means of saying “shin” is 向う脛. ↩︎
  3. Arguably, idioms made with 之(の) may be still idiomatic but are not examples of 四字熟語. In this logic, only Sino-Japanese based examples can be truly classified as such. ↩︎
  4. Kanbun 漢文 is Classical Chinese written by Japanese people, and the act of reading them back into Japanese is known as kundoku 訓読. ↩︎
  5. 色(ルーパ) is a Buddhist term referring to the anything and everything in the universe which has form. ↩︎
  6. From a Chinese story where Go and Etsu were old rivals that toppled the vessel when they had to be together, which in turn made them have to save each other. ↩︎
  7. From a story where a monkey feeder would feed a monkey three horse chestnuts in the morning and four in the evening and switched it around because he got mad. ↩︎