The Final Particle て

The Final Particle て

Particle classification is very important to keep in mind as you learn more about particles. The particle て discussed in this lesson is a final particle, meaning that it serves some emotional directive at the end of a sentence. This て should not be confused with the conjunctive particle て.

The Final Particle て

Making light commands, whether they are in the affirmative or negative sense, utilize the particle て with the option of there being a version of “to give (from the perspective of the giver)” following after it. 

Speech RegisterAffirmativeNegative
Honorific ~てくださいませんか ~ないでくださいませんか
Very Formal ~てくださいませ ~ないでくださいませ
Plain Speech~て ~ないで
Vulgar Speech~てくれ ~ないでくれ

Learning the exact implications of these endings based on the speech register does take time, but forming a question out of a request naturally makes the sentence politer. Note that this list is not exhaustive as you can also use the verb くれる to change a light command into a gentle request in plain speech (ex. やってくれない? = “could you do this (for me)?”)

As for how the definition of “final particle” applies to this, when used without a verb for “to give,” it falls into this category.

1. ちょっと待って。(Casual)
Hold on.

2. 払い戻しをしてください。
Please refund this.

3. 助けて!

4. 教科書を{閉じて・しまって}テストを受けてください。
Please do your test by closing your textbooks.

5. やめてくれ!
Quit it!

6. これを見てくれない?
Look at this.

7. タクシーを呼んでください。
Please call a taxi (for me).

8. はやく急いで!
Hurry quickly!

9. もっとゆっくりと話してくれませんか。
Could you please speak more slowly. 

10. 速くしてよ!
(Do it) faster! 

11. まっすぐ行ってください。
Please go straight.

12. 座布団を敷いてください。
Please sit on a cushion.

Culture Note: 座布団 are floor cushions used instead of chairs in traditional Japanese rooms.

13a. 見ていて!
13b. 見てて!
Be watching! 

Contraction Note: ~てて is the contraction of ~ていて. 

14. ごゆっくり召し上がってくださいませ。(Very Formal)
Please take your time when eating.

15. 見つめないで!
Don’t stare (at me)!

16. 気にしないでください。
Please don’t worry (about it).

17. お気になさらないでください(ませ)。(Very Formal)
Please don’t worry (about it). 

▽Emphasizing a Light Command

The final particles よ and や are often seen after the final particle て to emphasize the command with their respective emotional flares. よ adds a bit of urgency to the matter, whereas や often gives off a scolding tone.

18. じゃあ、私に服を買ってこないでよ。
Then, don’t be coming with clothes for me!

19. もう勘弁してくださいよお。
Ugh, give me a break already, please.

20. なんとかしてや。
Do somethin’ about it.

The Copula + Final Particle て

The final particle て may also follow plain forms of the copula to tell someone to do something or to give some sort of instruction/warning. This, though, is uncommon and is considered dialectal. 

21. 大変なことじゃて。(Dialectal)
That’s a horrible thing!