Prefixes/Suffixes w/ Counters

Prefixes/Suffixes w/ Counters: 何~, 幾~, 数~, ~数, 半~, ~半,~余, & ~余り

In this lesson, rather than learn about new counters, we will study several important appendages added to counters themselves.

How many…


Aside from certain temporal phrases where it may also function as “what…” 何~ is typically used with counters to express “how…” as in quantity. As a recap of this, consider the following examples.

1. 記入漏きにゅうもれは、一日いちにち(に)何件なんけんありますか。
How many omissions are there a day?

2. 代案だいあん何千なんぜんもある。
There are thousands of alternate plans.

3. 去年きょねん年賀状ねんがじょう何通送なんつうおくりましたか。
How many New Year’s cards did you send last year?

4. たまご一日いちにち(に)何個なんこまでべてよいのかっていますか。
Do you know how many eggs are okay to eat a day?

5. 銀行口座番号ぎんこうこうざばんごう何桁なんけたでしょうか。
How many digits are in a bank account number?

6. ラーメンのだま最高さいこう何玉注文なんたまちゅうもんしたことがありますか。
How many second servings of ramen have you ordered at the most?

7. 何台なんだいかのくるま交差点こうさてんまっている。
Several cars are stopped at the intersection.

8. ピザハットのLエールサイズのピザ1まい何切なんきれでしょうか。
How many slices is a single large-sized pizza from Pizza Hut?

9. ヤギは何頭なんとう飼っているんですか。
How many goats are you raising?

10. 1いちにち最高さいこう何歩歩なんぽあるきましたか。そして、何時間なんじかんくらいあるきましたか。
How many steps did you walk a day at most? Also, about how many hours did you walk?


The native equivalent of 何~ is 幾~. In Modern Japanese, it is largely limited to the written and/or poetic language.

11. ただしいみちあゆんでいるもの幾人いくにんかいる。
There are few who are walking down the right path.

12. 幾千いくせんよるえてさがつづけた。
I continued to search past thousands of nights.

13. 彼女かのじょ星空ほしぞら見上みあげて幾晩いくばん幾晩いくばんごした。
She spent evening after evening looking up at the starry sky.

14. 幾日いくにちたたかつづけた。
I continued to fight for days.

15. 幾重いくえにもかさなるくもながめていた。
I was gazing up at multiple-layered clouds. 

Several: 数~ & ~数


The prefix 数~ attaches to all sorts of counters to indicate “several…” The number implied by this prefix is based largely on context and personal intuition. It generally refers to at least 2-10.

16. キャッシュ削除さくじょ数分すうふんかかりました。
it took several minutes to delete the cache.

17. DVDディーブイディー数十枚買すうじゅうまいかいました。
I bought several DVDs.

18. つきに数百個売れている商品しょうひんもあります。
We also have products that sell several hundred a month.

19. なまビールを数杯飲すうはいのみました。
Namabiiru wo sūhai nomimashita.
I drank several glasses of draught beer.

20. 数万人すうまんにん市民しみん道路どうろくした。
Several tens of thousands of citizens filled up the road.

21. 数棟すうむね住宅じゅうたく斜面しゃめんすべちかけている。
Several residences are slipping off the slope.

22. さわあふれて複数ふくすう住宅じゅうたく床下ゆかしたまで浸水しんすいしている。
The marsh overflowed and several residences are now inundated up beneath the floor. 

23. 我々われわれ複数人ふくすうにん1ひとつのシステムの開発かいはつすすめています。
We are furthering the development of one system with several people.

24. 複数名ふくすうめいにメールを送信そうしんしたさい通知つうちメールは複数人分届ふくすうにんぶんとどきます。
When you send an e-mail to several people, you will receive that amount of people’s worth of notification e-mails.

25. ここ数日すうじつとてもあついかったです。
These past few days have been really hot.


When ~数 is attached after a counter, it expresses “number of…” Do not confuse this with the prefix 数~ from above. This suffix can essentially be used with any counter.

26. 建物たてもの階数かいすう表現ひょうげんするかたで、アメリカでは1いっかいを「first floor」、2かいを「second floor」といますが、イギリスでは1いっかいを「ground floor」、2かいを「first floor」といます。
For phrases that express number of floors in a building, in America “ikkai” is called the “first floor” and “nikai” is called the “second floor,” but in England “ikkai” is called the “ground floor” and “nikai” is called the “first floor.”

27. 1いちにち交通事故こうつうじここる件数けんすうは、全国ぜんこく何件なんけんぐらいあるんですか。
About how many traffic accident cases are there nationwide a day?

28. スタート地点ちてんから目的地もくてきちまでの歩数ほすうかぞえました。
I counted the number of steps from my starting point to my destination.

29. マイナンバーは何桁なんけたになるんですか。
How many digits will “my number” be?

Culture Note: マイナンバー, also known as 個人番号 (individual number), is a 12-digit ID number issued to all citizens and (foreign) residents of Japan for taxation purposes.

30. 中間ちゅうかんテストの点数てんすうわるかった。
My mid-term test score was bad.

31. ボールののこ個数こすうをあまりにしなくていいですよ。
You don’t need to worry so much about how many remaining balls you have.

32. 消火器しょうかき耐用年数たいようねんすう確認かくにんしてください。
Please verify the life of the fire extinguishers.

33. 日本にほんでの部数ぶすう100ひゃく万部まんぶ突破とっぱした。
The number of copies in Japan has broken through a million.

34. タバコの本数ほんすう徐々じょじょらしていく方法ほうほう禁煙きんえん成功せいこうしたひとはいる。
There are people who have successfully quit smoking by using the method of gradually decreased the number of cigarettes they have.  

35. 最近さいきん新設住宅しんせつじゅうたく戸数こすうえている。
Recently, the number of new residences has been increasing.

36. 一番画数いちばんかくすうおお漢字かんじなにですか。
What Kanji has the most number of strokes?

37. 紙幣しへい枚数まいすう確認かくにんしてください。
Please verify the number of bills.

38. ダチョウの頭数とうすう毎年減まいとしへっています。
The number of ostriches decreases every year.

39. ぼく頭数あたまかずれないで。
Don’t add me in the headcount.

Sentence Note: Though not related necessary to the suffix ~数, it is important to know that 頭数 has two different meanings and readings for each respectively as is demonstrated in Exs. 38 and 39.

Interestingly enough, when paired with the counter ~人, ~数 undergoes voicing and becomes rendered as ~ず(う).

40. なんとか人数にんずうそろえました。
We somehow managed to gather many people.

41. 多人数たにんずう利用りようするには最適さいてき
It’s most suitable for use with a large number of people!

42. 大人数おおにんずうでポケモンをゲットしにきました。
I went to catch Pokémon with a lot of people.

43. 小人数こにんずうでレイドボスをたおすコツをおぼえました。
I learned the tricks to taking down a raid boss with a small amount of people. 

半~ & ~半


The prefix 半~ indicates “half” of something and is limited to counters that measure some sort of increment, whether it be a period of time or quantity of something. It is important to note, however, that it does have one peculiar restriction. This restriction is on how to say “half a week.” Rather than using 半週, speakers default to phrases like 三日 (three days) or 四日 (four days).

44. 半分はんぶんってください。
Please cut it in half.

45. さて、はんげつぶりの更新こうしんです!
Alright now, this will be a half-month belated update!

46. ドーナッツをはんダースいました。
I bought half a dozen of donuts.

47. 少人数しょうにんずう職場しょくばはいって半年未満はんとしみまんものです。
I am someone who entered a small work-place and have been there for under half a year.

48. 今年ことしいち月末がつまつまでにおよそ半数はんすうの454施設しせつから回答かいとうました。
Before the end of January of this year, we had received responses from approximately half of the 454 facilities.


The suffix ~半 is added to time phrases to indicate “and a half.”

49. わたし今日きょうから一週間半断食いっしゅうかんはんだんじきおこないます。
I will start a week and a half long fast today.

50. わたし転勤てんきんでバンクーバー一年いちねんかん半過はんすごしました。
I spent a year and a half in Vancouver due to a job transfer.

~余 & ~余り

Yo– 余 goes in between a number and counter to mean “more than.” Technically, it is a suffix which attaches to numbers which is then followed by a counter. This phrase is used largely in the written language. In the spoken language, –amari 余り is used instead, which is a suffix that follows counter phrases.

51. 創業そうぎょう100ひゃく余年よねん
Over 100 years since [its/our] establishing!

52. この70余年間よねんかん戦争せんそうはありませんでした。
There has not been any war over these past seventy-odd years.

53. 兵士五万余人へいしごまんよにんがいた。
There were over fifty thousand soldiers.

54. 40よんじゅう万人余まんにんあまりが感染かんせんしている。
Over four hundred thousand people are infected.

55. 彼は6ヶ月余りの戦闘の末に戦死した。
He died in battle at the end of over six months of combat.