

During World War II, loan words of Western inspiration were targets of replacement with Japanese equivalents. If equivalents did not exist, they were often coined. How far this practice extended is up to debate, as no law fully or partially banned Western loan words. – only decrees to limit their usage.

The lasting impact that this policy had on the Japanese lexicon is minor, but there are phrases borne from this era that have survived into the present. Many, however, failed to withstand the tests of time. As such, examples that are no longer used today will be marked with △.


This four character idiom means “frivolous and thoughtless,” and it was often used metaphorically to refer to Western loan words, particularly English words, during the 1930s and 1940s. This then led to a boycott movement of such words for exhibiting 敵性 (hostility) towards the Japanese language itself.

This brought on a temporary reversal of centuries of borrowing; however, as stated previously, its impact was minor, with hardly any extant examples from entire semantic categories such as scientific jargon. Even official publications found it impossible to avoid any and all loan words –  シャツ (shirt), コンビネーション (combination), チョッキ (vest1) being common offenders. Moreover, loan words that had become essential lexical items were simply not replaced – コーヒー (coffee), ウィスキー (whiskey), エンジン (engine), レコード (record), etc.

In fact, although there were attempts by the Ministry of Education to rid of English education in schooling, due to English’s role as the lingua franca of the world, it was ultimately left as an optional course of study. However, there were a few things that were put in place that did influence the use of language in schooling. For instance, “pro-American” phrases were replaced, the use of Western-style dates was restricted, and phrases felt to be derogatory to Japan were taken out of texts entirely.

Ironically, war vocabulary itself was hardly affected by this policy, although that might have aided in fueling tension among the populace – examples include スペリー △ (searchlight) and ピスト △ (cockpit), though ironically both have since fallen out of use.


Baseball was loved by many at the time, but because it was the sport of the “enemy” but loved nonetheless its terminology was drastically revised. Newly coined terminology coexisted with English loans then as well as now. In fact, some have since replaced their English loans almost entirely, 野球 (baseball) itself replacing ベースボール.  

A strike is still known as a ストライク, but to avoid the word, 正球、よし#本 was implemented. A strike out is still referred to now as 三振, although originally Japanese direct translations for “three strikes, you’re out!” such as よし、3本それまで!or よし、退け!had been prevalent.

 敵性語Rewording 敵性語Rewording
(ファール)ボールだめ △
圏外 △
もとえ △
アウト無為 △
セーフ安全 △バッテリー対打機関 △
タイム停止 △フェアヒット正打 △
ファールチップ擦打 △バントヒット軽打 △
スクイズ走軽打 △ヒットエンドラン走打 △
ボーク疑投 △ホームイン生還 
フォースアウト封殺  インターフェア妨害 △
スチール奪塁 △リーグ戦総当戦 △
コーチ 監督 コーチャー助令
チーム球団ホームチーム迎戦組 △
ビジターチーム往戦組 △グラブ・ミット手袋 △
フェアグラウンド正打区域 △ファールグラウンド圏外区域 △
ウイニングショット決め球インコース 内角
アウトコース外角オーバースロー 暴投
ファールライン境界線スリーフィートライン 三尺線 △
プレイヤーズライン競技者線コーチャーズボックス 助令区域 △
フライ飛球エラー 落球
デッドボール死球ピッチャー 投手
バッティングピッチャー打撃投手フォアボール 四球
アウトフィールド外野スチール 盗塁
ノーアウト無死~アウト ~死
ランナー走者ゲームセット 試合終了
スコアリングポジション得点圏プレート 投手板
フリーバッティング打撃練習ホームラン 本塁打
フルベース 満塁ホームベース 本塁
ファーストベース一塁セカンドベース 二塁

Word Notes:

①一塁, 二塁, and 三塁・サード can be short for 一塁手, 二塁手, and 三塁手 respectively. These are, of course, referring to the basemen.
②本塁 may also mean “main fort” outside of baseball.
③スタメン is a shortening of スターティングメンバー.
④内野 and 外野 may respectively also be abbreviations of 内野手 and 外野手.
⑤フォースアウト may be abbreviated to フォース. 

Other Sports

ラグビー闘球 △ゴルフ打球
芝球 △
クロール (Crawl)速泳 アメリカンフットボール鎧球 △
米式蹴球 △
スケート 氷滑 △スキー 雪滑 △

Word Notes:
①送球 typically means “to throw a ball (in sports).”
②打球 typically means “to bat a ball (in sports).”

Other Kinds of 敵性語の言い替え

ロータリー円交路 △
プラットホーム乗車廊 △
サイダー噴出水 △
コロッケ油揚げ肉饅頭 △
カレーライス辛味入汁掛飯 △
キャラメル軍粮精 △
フライ洋天 △
カンガルー袋鼠 △
チューリップ鬱金香 △
サクソホン金属製曲がり尺八 △
トロンボーン抜き差し曲がり金真鍮喇叭 △
コントラバス妖怪的四弦 △
ドレミファソラシドハニホヘトイロハ △
パーマ電髪 △
酸素マスク与圧面 △
  1. Of obscure origin but likely deriving from a cognate of the English word “jacket” in some other European language. ↩︎