No Phrases

No Phrases: いいえ, いえ, いや, 否, & ううん

Just as there were several words for “yes” with varying implications, there are several words for “no,” but unlike English, Japanese is known for favoring indirectness. What this means is that Japanese speakers are not as likely to directly say “no.” This sensitivity affects how the phrases we will be learned in this lesson are used. Without further adieu, though, here they are:



The antonym of はい is いいえ. By default, it is the direct translation of “no.” It is the correct word for any non-verbal “no” you may encounter. For example, a “yes” and “no” window will display はい (Y) and いいえ (N). いいえ is also the most formal and polite of all the variants of it. Although this point will be important to remember as we learn more about these phrases, understand that this is not an absolute and that there will be times when using いいえ may cause an unwanted reaction. Next, we’ll look at its individual nuances.

Usage 1: To express negation when presented a question that seeks affirmative or negative response (yes-no question). 

1. 「雪はまだ降っていますか?」「いいえ、2時間前にやみました。」
“Is it still snowing?” “No, it stopped snowing two hours ago.”

Boss: “Did I say for you to do it this way?”
Subordinate: “No(, you did not).”

Usage Note: At face value, it seems that the responder is replying politely. However, such a response, especially to a confrontational yes-no question would stir animosity. This is because a direct denial, even if the response is the truth, is not demonstrating the responsibility of fixing the perceived problem that the questioner is seeking. To stop confrontation, a response such as Ex. 3 would be appropriate.

3. いいえ、課長はそんな風には仰っていません。私が間違えたのです。大変申し訳ございません。
No, that is not how you said (to do it), Chief. I was mistaken. I am terribly sorry.

Sentence Note: Practically speaking, this response would not necessarily come to mind. A more expedient answer like Ex. 4 may suffice.

4. すみません、違っていたでしょうか。
I’m sorry, was I incorrect?

Sentence Note: This response would bring about a response that would inevitably result in admitting personal responsibility, which is what Ex. 3 explicitly states from the beginning.

Usage 2: Declining someone’s proposal/request – “no thank you.”

“Would you like a refill?” “No thank you, I’m fine.”

Usage Note: Many speakers, especially young people, tend to use 大丈夫です for “no thanks,” as it is less direct than saying いいえ、結構です. In formal, business situations, いいえ、結構です is still preferred as a certain degree of directness is expected. Additionally, colloquialisms are typically frowned upon in such situations. The same can be said for the English-speaking world.

Usage 3: Negating someone’s idea/statement.

6. 「きょうのことは偶然なんだ」「いいえ、そんなはずないと思うわ」

Today’s incident was just a coincidence.” “No, that can’t be true.”

Usage 4: Rejecting the premise of a question.

7. 「母さん、僕の鞄を見なかったね?」「いいえ、知しらないよ」
“Mom, you wouldn’t happen to have seen my bag, huh?” “No, I don’t know anything about it.”

“Hey, did you not come to work yesterday? “No, I came just as usual.”

Usage 5: Indicating one has no intentions of furthering the conversation or intends to end the conversation upon being pressed for explanation.

9. 「何がいまにわかるのだ」「いいえ、なんでもありません」
“What exactly am I going to find out soon enough?” “Oh no, it’s nothing.”

Usage 6: Rejecting thanks and praise out of courtesy.

10. 「本当に助かります、ありがとうございます。」「いいえ、とんでもないですよ。」
“I really appreciate it. Thank you.” “Oh no, it’s nothing.”

11. 「ありがとうございます」「いいえ、どういたしまして」
“Thank you.” “Oh no, you’re welcome.”

いえ & いや

Both いえ and いや can be seen as variants of いいえ, but they have morphed to be somewhat different in their unique ways. Intrinsically, they carry all six usages seen above, but when it’s appropriate to use them will depend on your relationship with the listener.

12. 「山下君も、遠慮しないで飲みなさい」「いえ、結構です」
“Yamashita-kun, don’t hold back and drink.” “Oh no, I’m fine.”

13. いえいえ、お役に立てれば何よりです。
No, no, what counts more than anything is that I am of use to you.

Negating Presentation of Information

A situation where いえ and いや can be used interchangeably in plain or polite speech but cannot be replaced by いいえ is when one is negating and/or criticizing how information is being presented or gently yet affirmatively correcting someone.

14. 「太陽は地球の周りを回ってるってってますか?」「{いえ・いや}、地球が太陽の周りを回ってるんですよ」
“Did you know that the Sun revolves around the Earth?” “Um, actually, the Earth revolves around the Sun.”

Sentence Note: In this situation, the responder to the first person’s statement is rejecting the information trying to be shared. In such circumstances, both いえ and いや are appropriate.

15. 「どうしたの?顔色が悪いよ。」「いや、なんでもない。」
“What’s wrong? You’re all pale.” “Oh no, it’s nothing.”

Sentence Note: In this example, it is not that the responder is negating that he/she is pale. The responder is negating the question itself.


Person A: Huh? Where are you going?
Person B: Oh no, you see, there’s a small urgent matter that’s come up…


Person A: Why are you talking about something like that?
Person B: Oh no, you see, the thing is….

Particle Note: Unlike いいえ, いえ and いや may both be followed by the final particle ね.

18. いやね、やっぱりシェアハウスなんてするものじゃないわ。
Oh no, share houses and what not are definitely something not to do.

Variation Note: いや can alternatively sometimes be heard as いーや.

19. 「では、出席を取ります。小沢さん」「いや、あのー、白石先生のクラスは隣ですよ」
“Alright, I’m going to take attendance. Ozawa-san…” “Hey, um… Shiraishi Sensei, your class is the one next over.”

Usage Note: Whenever one is simply negating how information is being presented but not negating the truth of the statement, then only いや becomes appropriate.

20. 「夕ご飯はんは何を食べようか」「いや、今は関係ないでしょ、その話は」
“What’ll we eat for dinner?” “Uh, that has nothing to do with right now.”

21. 「早すぎる、といいますと?」「いやあ、これは口が滑りました。いや、あなた方に妙に勘繰られると困りますから、釈明しますがね」
“When you say ‘too soon’…?” “Ahh, I made a slip of the tongue. Well, since it’d be troublesome if this were oddly suspected by you all, I’ll explain things.”
From 『繁昌するメス』 by 松本清張.

Variation Note: Elongated as いやー, いや can express a feeling of having gone too forward toward oneself.

Politeness Difference

Generally speaking, いいえ and いえ are both seen as typically being more appropriate in polite speech than いや.

22. 「山手線に乗るんですか」「{いえ 〇・いいえ 〇・いや X}、違います」
“Do you ride the Yamanote Line” “No, that’s not the one.”

23. 「エクセル使うの?」「{いや 〇・いえ X・いいえ X}、違う。エクセルは不要だね。」
“Do you use Excel? “No, Excel isn’t needed.”

“Do you have the criminal arrested?” “No, not yet.”

However, it is not always the case that いや can’t be used in polite speech. For instance, it can be used just like いいえ and いえ when rejecting thanks/praise, and using it instead can bring about a more familial sense.

25. 「漢検1級に合格しんたんだって?おめでとう!」「いや、まあ、お蔭様で、無事に。」
“So you passed the Kanken Level 1? Congrats!” “Oh no, well, thankfully it went all fine.”

Usages Unique to いや

At times, いや isn’t just a variant of いえ but a contraction of 嫌だ, and it can be seen elongated as いーや, but unlike the いや that’s equivalent to “no,” the intonation drops sharply after the mora for this usage.

26. 「お金を貸してくれない?」「いや(だ)!」
“Could you lend me some money?” “No way!”

Only いや can be used when talking to oneself, and this is for any capacity of self-directed commentary, even when one is talking to someone.

27. 郵便局はですね、えーと、そこを右折して2つめの、いや、3つめの信号を右折して、しばらく行くと、右手のほうにあります。
The post office, um… if you make a right there and then on the second, no, the third light take a right, and then keep going for a while, it’ll be on the right.

Another word for “no” is 否, which, although its pronunciation is very similar, it predates all the other phrases. In fact, it is because it is old-fashioned that it is used in various other grammar patterns that we will eventually touch on. For now, it is okay to view it as the Japanese equivalent of “nay.”

28. 現状では残念ながら否と答えるほかない。
Unfortunately under the circumstances, there is no other alternative but to answer with “no.”

29. 否、断じて否!
No, absolutely not!

30. 会社のため、否、社会に貢献するために我が身を犠牲にしている。
I’m sacrificing myself for the company, no, to contribute to society. 


In casual conversation, ううん can be used to mean “no.” It holds the six basic meanings of いいえ but within the confines of casual speech.

Intonation Note: To mean “no,” pitch rises as the end.

31. ううん、もうだめだ。
No, it’s no use.

32. ううん、そんなことないよ?
No, that’s not true…?

33. 「恵子さんはもう来きたの?」「ううん、まだ来てないよ」
“Has Keiko already here?” “No, she hasn’t come yet.”

34 ううん、いいよ。
No, it’s fine. 

In addition to those meanings, it can also be used as an interjection similar to “uh” or as an interjection indicating strain or struggling in the broadest sense possible. For either meaning, you may see the spelling vary to better capture the sound of utterance.

34. ううん、何だっけ。
Er, what was it?

35. うーん、痛ぇなー。
Mm, that hurt…