Yes Phrases

Yes Phrases: はい, はあ, ええ, & うん

A lot can be said about the words for “yes,” and in this lesson, we will study the following words:


Curriculum Note: Because these words, at times, require context to be understood, there will be some grammar used that has not been formally introduced. At those points, simply focus on understanding the “yes” phrase at hand. 

The Usages of はい & はあ

Usage 1: Answering “Yes-No” Questions

The most fundamental usage of はい is “yes” in answering “yes-no” questions. 

1. 「はい」を押してください。
Please press “Yes.”


Person A: Are you going to go shopping tomorrow?
Person B: Yes(, I’m going to go shop at Costco).

Although simply saying はい could suffice in answering a yes-no question, explicitly stating an answer is often needed to not be vague. Tone can also help convey affirmation. Also, if you are speaking to a superior to whom giving a succinct answer is expected, just answering with はい would be inappropriate.

Usage 2: Showing Confirmation

はい also shows confirmation. If the question is in the affirmative, はい confirms the affirmative. However, if it the question is in the negative, はい confirms the negative. This is unlike English where the latter situation would be answered with “no.”


Person A: Seth turns 31 this year, right?
Person B: Yes(, that’s right).

Phrase Note: そうですね and its variants can often be treated as beings synonymous to “yes” and do not need to be used with a yes-word to be used as such. This is no different than the English expression “that’s right.”


Person A: Are you not going to Kyoto tomorrow?
Person B: No, I’m not. I probably won’t go this year.


Sachiko: Are you taking the day off?
Yasuhiko: Yes, I have an urgent thing to attend to.  


Colleague A: Are you not going?
Colleague B: No, I’m not going.

Usage 3: Showing Agreement/Consent

はい may also show agreement to a request, in which case it is accompanied with an affirmative tone. This can also be viewed as an offshoot of answering to a yes-no question, only with “no” not being an option.


Section Manager: Please forward these files to Tsuji-san.
Employee: Yes(, understood).

8. はい、わかりました。
Hai, wakarimashita.

Phrase Note: The phrases for “understood” are listed below in order of how polite/humble they are.

Speech Register Phrase
Most Humble畏まりました
Very Humble承知いたしました
Polite (To Equals)了解しました
Polite (General Use)わかりました1
Polite 了解です

Usage 4: Answering the Phone

はい is the go-to phrase when responding to someone calling (for) you, both in person and on the phone.


Fujita: Kaneko-san.
Kaneko: Yes.
Fujita: Could you please come here?
Kaneko: Yes, what is it?


母親:もしもし。 (電話)
Mother: Hello. (Phone)
Daughter: Hello. Hey, mom!

Usage 5: Marking a Starting Point

Another usage of はい is to indicate the start of a joint activity.

11. では、調理開始ですね、はい。
Well then, cooking begins. Yes. 

12. これをあのベンチに置いときましょう。ちょっと重いので気をつけましょう。じゃ、いち、にいの、さん、はい!
Let’s place this on the bench over there. It’s a little heavy, so let’s be careful. Alright, one, two, three, here we go!

Usage 6: Indicating that One is Listening

One usage of はい that is far removed from the English concept of “yes” is indicating to the speaker that one is listening. The purpose here is not to interrupt who is talking, which is how it may seem to an English speaker. Once the other person is done speaking, however, simply responding with はい would be inappropriate as its interpretation would default to this usage.


Person A: If I have you look at the next graph.
Person B: Uh-huh.
Person A: I believe you’ll understand, but…
Person B: Uh-huh.

It may not always be the case that one is the intended listener when using はい in this fashion. This is especially the case in TV programs where one person may be directing comments to the audience while another person is to the side nodding off and making interjections as the person speaks. This is done largely to encourage engagement from the audience.

The applications of this usage thus far have been harmless, but it can also be used to tell the speaker you’ve heard enough.

14. はいはい、もう分わかってますよ。
Yes, yes, I know already.

With a change in intonation to that of a question, はい can be used when you would otherwise indicate that you’re listening to imply that you’re shocked by what is said—simultaneously asking that the speaker repeat oneself.

Come again?

Usage 7: Reaffirming a Statement

Responding to そうですか is an important function of はい.


Ryoko: I went to Shirakobato Water Park yesterday.
Sara: Oh, really?
Ryoko: Yeah, it was really fun. Definitely try going there.

Usage 8: Anticipatory Response

Hai はい is often used as an anticipatory answer at the end of a sentence, especially by store clerks.


Customer: What ingredients are in season now?
Shop Manager: Well, there are a lot of delicious fish this season, but the one that’s especially delicious would have to be sea bream. Yes.

Usage 9: Presenting Something to Someone

はい is used when presenting something to someone. This can also be said when arriving somewhere, with the destination being what is presented.

18. はい、炊き込みご飯です。どうぞ。
Here’s mixed rice. Feel free.

19. はい、こちらはスターバックスコーヒー1号店でございます。
Now right here is Starbucks Coffee’s first store.

20. はい、到着しました。
Alright, we’ve arrived.

Usage 10: When Giving Instructions 

はい is frequently used right as one is giving instructions.

21. はい、スタート!

22. はい、冷蔵庫に入れてください。
Yeah, put it in the refrigerator.

Usage 11: When Telling Someone to Stop

はい is used to indicate to others they stop what they’re doing. 

23. はい、そこまで(だ)!
Alright, stop there!


Student A: I want to become an astronaut in the future!
Teacher: Alright. Now how about you, Kenta-kun?

Usage 12: Getting People’s Attention

Hai はい can be used to get people’s attention.

25. 先生:はい、はい。みな落ち着いてください。
Okay, okay, everyone settle down, please.

Usage 13: When Being Asked for Commentary

はい is frequently used in response to being asked for commentary.


Saito: What do you think, Kato-san?
Kato: Yes, um, I’m also against it.

Usage 14: Prompting More of a Response

はい is also frequently used after someone makes a comment to get the individual to say more. This can be viewed as an offshoot of Usage 6.


Injured Party: I went straight in my car after verifying that the light had turned green.
Prosecutor: Continue.
Injured Party: Ok, afterward, I could see a car from the left. I braked but didn’t make it in time, which led to the accident.
Prosecutor: Continue.
Injured Party: At that time, there was one oncoming car. 

Usage 15: Creating a Rhythm 

At times, はい is simply used to create a rhythm, especially in folk songs. It may also be used as an interjection when pounding 餅 (sticky rice cake).  

28. はい、はい、はい、はい。
One, two, one, two. 

The Variant はあ

There also exists はあ, which is treated as a simple alteration of はい that is used by male speakers, and it can be used for most of the previous usages above excluding 4, 8, 10, 11 12, 15. 

29. はあ、承知しました。
Yes, understood.

30. はあ!
Yes, sir!

31. はあ、その地震は大変でしたね。
Yeah, that earthquake was terrible, huh.

32. はあ、なんでしょうか。
Yes, what is it?

33. はあ、それはそうですが。
Yes, that’s true, but…

34. はあ、嘘でしょう?
What, you’ve got to be kidding!?

35. はあ、しまった!
Ah, damn it!

Usage Note: One usage that はあ has that it doesn’t share with はい is being used as an interjection when one is really in a rut.

The Usages of ええ

はい is the most multi-faceted word used in this lesson. It is also the most formal. With that being said, ええ is not as complicated. Regardless of how it’s used, it is an affirmative response of one’s thought and/or emotions, which is why it can at times be perceived as rude if used out of place. Below are various implications had when using ええ:

・To show confidence.
・To make it known that you already know about what’s been talked about.
・Indicative of being older, composed, and being able to affirmatively look back.
・To show elitism.
・To give an at-home feeling to those especially close.
・Responding to audience but without appeal unless mixed together with はい.
・Seemingly able to talk on and on, indicative of female conversation.

Usage 1: Yes-No Questions


Saeki: Is the company director going to Nagasaki on business.
Sato: Yes.

Usage 2: Acknowledgement of Listening


Shohei: I have a small request.
Satoshi: Yes, what is it?
Shohei: When you’re free, could you take me to the bank?
Satoshi: Yeah, no problem.

Usage 3: Showing Confirmation

38. ええ、そうですよ。
Yes, that’s right.

39. ええ、正解です。
Yes, that’s the correct answer.

40. ええ、よくあることです。
Yes, it happens often.

41. ええ、言うとおりだと思います。
Yes, I believe you’re exactly right.

Usage 4: Responding to Request/Suggestion: Agreement/Sympathy

42. ええ、ぜひ。
Yes, by all means.

43. ええ、いい考えだと思いますね。
Yes, I think that’s a good idea.

5. Surprise (Low-High Intonation)

This usage does not fit any of the aforementioned implications.

44. ええ、本当ですか。
What, really?

45. ええ、嘘!
What, you’re kidding!?

46. ええ!?

The Usages of Un うん

うん is a very casual means of saying “yes” that should only be used with those who one is very friendly and close with. When behaving as a means of saying “yes,” it has the following purposes.

  1. Yes-No Questions
  2. Acknowledgement of Listening
  3. Confirmation
  4. Responding to Request/Suggestion: Agreement/Sympathy
  5. Response to a Command


47. 「ペンギンは鳥なの?」「うん(、鳥だよ)」
“Are penguins birds?” “Yes(, they’re birds).”


Hanako: Tomorrow…
Ryoko: Yeah.
Hanako: Is my birthday.

49. いや、そのままでいいんじゃない、うん。
“No, it’s fine as is, right? Yeah.”

50. うんうん、君の言うとおりだね。
Yep, yep, you’re exactly right. 

51. うん、その気持わかるよ。
Yeah, I get what you’re feeling.

52. 「ごめんなさい。」「うん、いいんだよ。」
“Sorry.” “No, it’s ok.”


Employee: Is Koike-san not suited for this kind of work?
Manager: No, he really isn’t suited for it. 

54. うん、そうだよな。はい、そうですね。
Yeah, that’s right. Yes, you’re definitely right.

Sentence Note: The first half of this example would be an example of answering one’s own question. Only the latter part would be directed at the listener, as indicated by the difference in speech style.


Father: Throw the ball!
Son: Ok!

As an Onomatopoeia

Unrelated to the meanings of “yes” outlined so far, うん may also be used as onomatopoeia for the following purposes. 

・The sound of bees, horseflies, etc. in great number flying about.
・The faint sound of machinery.
・The sound of someone in anguish.

56. パソコンがうんうんいってるけど大丈夫かな?
The computer is sure making noise. I wonder if it’s alright?

57. 痛がひどくてベッドでうんうんと唸っていた。
The pain was awful; I was groaning in bed.

  1. When indicating “understood,” the verb わかる may be spelled in Kanji as either 分かる or 解る. ↩︎