Criticizing: くせに・くせして

Criticizing: くせに・くせして

Everyone has bad habits, tendencies, or mannerisms. On top of that, everyone in the world loves to complain and ridicule the bad qualities of others – sometimes even themselves. In Japanese, one of the most effective ways of ridiculing others for something is done so by using the word 癖, which literally means “habit” in the negative sense.

i. 爪を噛む癖
The habit of biting one’s nails

ii. 早起きの癖
The habit of waking up early

In this lesson, we will learn how this word is used in the grammar expression くせに, which is seen in cruder contexts asくせして, to mean “even though/in spite of” when used to express annoyance, criticism, anger, etc. 

~くせに: Dissatisfaction

As mentioned in the introduction, 癖’s basic meaning is to describe habits, which is almost always meant with a negative impression.

1. わるくせなおすには、どうしたらいいのでしょうか。
What should I do to fix a bad habit?

2. このあじくせになりますね!
I’m going to get hooked to this taste!

In Ex. 2, we see how X{が・は}くせになる is used to mean ““”to get hooked to X.” Interestingly, 癖 may also refer to kinks and curls in things like hair, rugs, etc. For instance, 癖毛くせげ means “frizzy/unruly hair.”

3. 一定期間は、髪の癖を直す施術が受けられなくなることもあります。
There are also cases of not being able to undergo (cosmetic) treatment to fix hair kinks for a certain period of time.

The pattern ~癖に, usually written out as くせに translates into English as “even though/in spite of,” and it is used to describe the speaker’s annoyance, criticism, anger, complaint, etc. about a situation.

As くせ itself is a noun, interacts with conjugatable parts of speech by following their 連体形, with noun-predicates also having the option of である being replaced with the particle の.

Part of Speech?+~くせにExample
Nounsの・である  男おとこ{の・である}くせに
 Even though (you)’re a man… 
Adjectives連体形 ふるいくせに
Even though (it)’s old…
Adjectival Nouns連体形 簡単かんたんなくせに
Even though it’s easy…
In spite of buying…

Grammar Note: Though “Noun + であるくせに” is perfectly grammatical, it is only practically encountered in the written language, with the use of the particle の in place of である being the norm.

3. 彼女かのじょって大人おとなのくせに、まだ母親ははおや洗濯せんたくしてもらってるそうだ。
I hear that she still has her mom do her laundry even though she’s an adult.

4. 健太君けんたくん子供こどものくせに、全然外ぜんぜんそとあそびたがらないの。
Kenta doesn’t want to play outside all even though he’s a kid.

5. 田中たなかさんは、日本人にほんじんのくせに、日本語にほんごはなすのがきじゃないみたいですね。
Mr. Tanaka, despite being Japanese, doesn’t appear to like speaking Japanese, huh.

6. あのひと新卒者しんそつしゃのくせに、よくなんでもってるようにしゃべったりしますね。
Despite being a new graduate, that person sure often talks like he knows everything, huh.

7. 彼女かのじょ、コメディアンのくせに、全然面白ぜんぜんおもしろくないよ。
She isn’t funny at all despite being a comedian.

8. 「おとこのくせに」や、「おんなのくせに」などといったかたはセクハラに当たりるとえよう。
One could say that expressions like “even though you’re a man” or “even though you’re a woman” can be treated as forms of sexual harassment.

9. 野生動物やせいどうぶつのくせにうごきがにぶいな。
It’s slow moving despite being a wild animal, huh.

10. ワニのくせに海水かいすいもへっちゃらなんだぁ。
Huh, sea water isn’t even a big deal even though it’s an alligator.

11. 中国人ちゅうごくじんのくせに爆買ばくかいしないなんておかしい!
It’s so strange that he/she won’t spend like crazy despite being Chinese!

12. 猪原いはらあたまわるいくせに、人気にんきがあってうらやましい!
I’m so jealous that Ihara is popular even though he’s dumb!

13. 本当ほんとう元気げんきなくせになまけやがって!
How dare you slack off when you’re just fine!

14. 自分じぶん馬鹿ばかなくせにひと馬鹿ばかにするひと大嫌だいきらいだよ。
I hate people who make others out to be idiots even though they themselves are idiots.

15. かしこいくせに、おかしなことをかんがえるんだね。
You sure think a lot of crazy stuff for someone who’s wise.

16. 学歴がくれきがないくせにプライドだけたかおとこ、めっちゃきらいなの!
I really hate men who only have pride with no education!

17. あんた、戦争せんそう経験けいけんもないくせに戦争せんそうあこがれをつんじゃねーぞ。
You don’t yearn for war when you’ve never experienced war!

18. あたしの彼氏かれしね、ってるくせにおしえてくれないわ。
My boyfriend, you know, knows but he won’t tell me.

19. やったくせにらんぷりするんじゃないぞ!
Don’t act like you don’t know when you’re the one who did it!

20. それだけの怪我けがしたくせに?
Even though that’s all you’re hurt?

21. 3さんかいずかしい失敗しっぱいをしちゃったくせに、今更何いまさらなにずかしいの?
What are you so embarrassed about now? You’ve already failed three times…

22. なんだ、自分じぶんがミスしたくせに・・・
What? Even though you yourself have messed up…


In far more coarse and often critical, derogatory contexts, ~くせに can be seen rendered as ~くせして. This variant utilizes the particle して, which shares interchangeability with the reason marking function of に.

23. おれって、日本人にほんじんのくせして仏教ぶっきょうについてはとんと門外漢もんがいかんだよ。
Even though I’m Japanese, I’m a complete outsider regarding Buddhism.

24. 帰国子女きこくしじょくせしてそんなのもらないってわけか。
So, you don’t even know stuff like that despite being a kikoku shijo, huh?

Word Note: 帰国子女 refers to children of Japanese expatriates who then return to Japan. 

25. 日本人にほんじんのくせして、日本語にほんご文法ぶんぽうがからっきしダメだ。
Even though I’m Japanese, my Japanese grammar is absolutely hopeless.