“When it Comes to…” I:というと, といえば, & といったら

第294課: “When it Comes to…” I: というと, といえば, & といったら

In this lesson, we will begin coverage on expressions that can roughly all translate to “when it comes to…” to some capacity. The expressions in this lesson all involve the verb 言う in its respective conditional forms. If you have a firm grasp of these forms, the nuance differences that you are to soon be introduced to will not be news to you. 

~というと: When/in speaking of…

~というと is used to indicate what is representative or deeply associated with something, and it can even describe an inevitable correlation between something (as seen in Ex. 3). This pattern is quite objective in nature and is seen most frequently in the written language. In a literal sense, you can translate it as “if one were to speak…of,” but its translation can be flexible to more easily translated as “when/in/if speaking of…”

1. 日本にほん古都ことというと、平安京へいあんきょう奈良ならでしょう。
In speaking of the former capitals of Japan, they’re Heian-kyō and Nara.

2. イギリスとうと、いつもくもっているというイメージがあるかとおもいます。
In speaking of England, I think you might have an image of it always being cloudy.

3. ずっと晴天せいてんつづいていたのにおまつりだとうと天気てんきわるくなるのはのせいかな?
Is it just my imagination that the weather certainly gets bad whenever there’s a festival despite it being clear skies the whole time?  

4. 大新聞だいしんぶんうと、読売よみうり朝日あさひ毎日まいにち産経さんけい東京とうきょうすことがおおい。
When speaking of the five major newspapers, the Yomiuri, Asahi, Mainichi, Sankei, and Tokyo are often referred to.

5. アメリカに根付ねづいた日本文化にほんぶんかというと、寿司すしばな・アニメ・漫画まんがぜんなどがあります。
In speaking of Japanese culture that has taken root in America, there is sushi, ikebana, anime, manga, Zen, etc.

6. 天候てんこうというと「れ」「あめ」などおもかべますが、「なみ」「かぜ」も天候てんこうなんですね。
We’re reminded of “clear weather” and “rain” in speaking of the weather, but “waves” and “the wind” are also part of the weather, you know.

7. 政治せいじというと、不審ふしんなものの代名詞だいめいしのようにおもえます。
When speaking of politics, it would certainly seem to be a classic example of something suspicious.

8. 微生物びせいぶつというと、不潔ふけつなばいきん病気びょうきこす悪者わるもの連想れんそうするひとおおいかもしれない。
When speaking of microbes, there may be many people who associate them with filthy germs or bad guys that cause illness.

9. 肉眼にくがん確認かくにんできる太陽系たいようけい惑星わくせいというと、水星すいせい金星きんせい火星かせい木星もくせい土星どせいまでであり、それに地球ちきゅうくわえて6むっつです。
When speaking of the planets in the solar system that can be verified with the naked eye, there is Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and when you add Earth to the mix, there are six.

10. 従来じゅうらい企業きぎょう社会的責任しゃかいてきせきにんというと、企業倫理きぎょうりんり法令順守ほうれいじゅんしゅなどが中心ちゅうしんだった。
Conventionally, when speaking of societal responsibility to the company, company ethics, compliance, and such were at the center.

11. ワシントン州の有名な州立大学というと、ワシントン大学ですね。
In speaking of famous state universities in the State of Washington, there is Washington University.

12. 韓国かんこくドラマというと、不治ふじやまい交通事故こうつうじこないちがいなどが頻出ひんしゅつする恋愛れんあいドラマを想像そうぞうするというひとおおいだろう。
When speaking of Korean dramas, there are probably many people who associate them with romance dramas which frequently feature incurable diseases, traffic accidents, impossible crossing of paths, and what not.

~はというと: As far as…goes
~はというと is very similar to ~というと, but it always intrinsically illustrates a stark contrast of some sort, whether implicitly or explicitly stated.

13. 西田にしださんは魚料理さかなりょうりきでなんでもべますが、肉料理にくりょうりはというとかなりきらいがあるらしいです。
Mr. Nishida loves fish-based dishes and will eat anything, but as far as meat dishes go, he seems to have considerable likes and dislikes.

14. わたし理科系りかけい科目かもく得意とくいなんですが、文科系ぶんかけい科目かもくはというと、まった苦手にがてなんです。
I am good at science courses, but as far as liberal arts go, I’m absolutely bad at them.

15. ちちははものんびりごしていますが、わたしはというと、毎日まいにちただいそがしくてはたらいています。
My father and my bother live leisurely, but I on the other hand am just busy at working every day.

16. 草食動物そうしょくどうぶつはというと、基本きほん植物しょくぶつしかべません。
As far as herbivores go, they basically only eat plants.

17. 地球上ちきゅうじょう最大さいだい動物どうぶつはというと、南氷洋なんぴょうようのシロナガスクジラです。
As far as the largest animal on Earth goes, that would be the blue whale from the Antarctic Ocean.

18. 日本にほんのように、蕎麦そばめん加工かこうしてべるくにはというと、となり中国ちゅうごく朝鮮ちょうせんおよびブータンぐらいしかない。
As far as countries that manufacture buckwheat into noodles to eat like Japan go, there are only say neighboring China and Korea as well as Bhutan. 

19. 世界せかいもっとはばのある海峡かいきょうはというと、カナダのバフィンとうとグリーンランドにはさまれたデービス海峡かいきょうです。
As far as the widest straight in the world goes, it would be the Davis Strait, which is sandwiched between Baffin Island and Greenland.

20. 日本政府にっぽんせいふはというと、菅官房長官すがかんぼうちょうかん調査ちょうさ否定的ひていてき見解けんかいしめしている。
In speaking of the Japanese government, Chief Secretary Suga has expressed negative views on investigation (of the matter).

21. アメリカ同時多発どうじたはつテロ事件じけんうと、あのころ中東ちゅうとうアジアの情勢悪化じょうせいあっかおもします。
In speaking of the American Simultaneous Sequential Terrorist Event (9/11), I think of the worsening state of affairs in the Middle East at the time.

22. わたしあに大嫌だいきらいです。何故なぜかというと、とても自己中心的じこちゅうしんてきだからです。
I hate my older brother. The reason why is because he is extremely self-centered.

~といえば: Speaking of which…

When using ~といえば, a lot of enthusiasm is felt when bringing up something into conversation. It is seen a lot in conversation and can be very definitive as far as the emotional context of one’s statement is concerned.

23. 日本代表の漫画といえばナルトですよね。
Speaking of a manga that represents Japan, that would be Naruto, huh.

24. サンフランシスコで、一番有名いちばんゆうめい観光名所かんこうめいしょといえば、ゴールデン・ゲート・ブリッジでしょう。
Speaking of the most famous tourist spot in San Francisco, that would be the Golden Gate Bridge.

25. なつものといえば、スイカ、アイス、素麺そうめんでしょう。
Speaking of summer foods, there’s watermelons, ice cream, and somen.

26. タイ料理りょうりといえば、駅前えきまえあたらしいレストランが出来できたのってる?
Speaking of Thai cuisine, did you know there’s a new restaurant in front of the station?

B: え、そうなんですか。あ、入院にゅういんしたといえば、三上みかみさんが来週退院らいしゅうたいいんだそうですよ。
Person A: It seems that Mr. Ichikawa became hospitalized the other day due to getting in a traffic accident.
Person B: Wow, really? Oh, speaking of being put in the hospital, I hear that Mr. Mikami is to be released from the hospital next week.

28. 古典芸能こてんげいのうといえば、歌舞伎かぶきでしょう。
Speaking of classical theatre, there’s kabuki.

29. くるまえば、きみはトヨタしゃったそうだね。
Speaking of cars, I hear you’ve bought yourself a Toyota?

30. リンカーンとえば奴隷制度どれいせいどおもします。
In speaking of Lincoln, we think of the slavery system.

31. 動物どうぶつえば、ぼくいぬはなせるんだ。
Speaking of animals, my dog can talk.

32. レオナルドダヴィンチといえば、世界的せかいてき芸術家げいじゅつかだ。
In speaking of Leonard da Vinci, he is as world-famous artist. 

33. イギリスといえば、{紅茶こうちゃ・ロンドン・二階建にかいだてバス・ビードルズ・イギリス王室おうしつ・ハリーポッター}などおもかべるひとおおいでしょう。
In speaking of England, there are surely many people who think of [tea/London/two-story buses/the Beatles/the British Royal Family/Harry Potter]. 

Spelling Note: ひげ in 漢字 may either be 髭, 髯, or 鬚. However, the first refers to beards around the mouth, the second refers to beards on the cheeks, and the third refers to beards on the chin. These respectively may be said/written as 口髭・髭, 頬髭・頬髯・髯, and 顎髭・顎鬚・鬚. You are not required to remember this.

34. メキシコの代表的だいひょうてきものといえば、タコスです。
In speaking of Mexico’s signature food, there’s the taco.

35. いま若者わかもの流行りゅうこうといえば、男性だんせいあいだではひげが流行はやっていて、女性じょせいあいだでは涙袋なみだぶくろメイクが流行はやっている。
In speaking of trends among young people today, beards are trending among men and namidabukuro is trending among women.

Word Note: 涙袋メイク makes it look like you have the impression of tears under your eyes.  

~といったら: When it comes to…/speaking of…

In a literal sense, ~といったら means “were to say.”

36. こわくないとったらうそになる。
If I said I wasn’t scared, that’d be a lie.

37. フランスじんに「アミは友達ともだちです」とったら混乱こんらんしそうですね。
If were to say “Ami is my friend” to a French person, they might get confused.

In similar contexts seen with ~といえば, however, it is used in much the same way to give example of something intrinsically tied to whatever is the focus of conversation. It is arguably the most common form in conversation. It’s not so ecstatic, but it’s just as assertive.

38. シアトルの景色けしきといったら、くちあらわせないほどです。
When it comes to the scenery of Seattle, it’s beyond expression.

39. 山田やまださんの中国語能力ちゅうごくごのうりょくといったら、中国人ちゅうごくじんがびっくりするほどだそうです。
Speaking of Mr. Yamada’s Chinese proficiency, I hear it even surprises Chinese people.

40. アメリカの元大統領もとだいとうりょうといったら、オバマですね。
Speaking of the former president of America, that’d be Obama, right?

41. 一昔前ひとむかしまえはお寿司すしといったら高級こうきゅうもの代表だいひょうでした。
Long ago when speaking of sushi, it was representative of high class cuisine.

42. 東北とうほくくまといったらツキノワグマです。
Speaking of bears in Tohoku, there’s the Asian black bear.

43. ふゆといったら鍋料理なべりょうりですね。
When it comes to winter, it’s time for hot pot cooking.

44. 果物王国くだものおうこくといったらどこでしょうか。
Speaking of the king of fruit, where would that be?

45. 家具かぐといったらやっぱりイケアですね。
When it comes to furniture, you definitely go with IKEA.