Godan Verbs 五段活用動詞

Godan Verbs 五段活用動詞

In this lesson, we will look at the Godan verb class, commonly known as “u-verbs” as all such verbs end in this vowel. Although how these verbs conjugate is no different, the Godan bases are very different looking with lots of sound changes with certain conjugations. Half of verbs fall into this class, so learning these rules will be quintessential.

Before we get into new content, let’s recap on important terminology we have discussed thus far which will be relevant to the overall topic of this lesson. 

  • VerbA word that describes an action, state, or occurrence. It may constitute the predicate at the end of a sentence or be part of a noun-predicate when used as a participle/modifier. 
  • PredicateThe part of a sentence that makes a statement about the subject. 
  • Intransitive VerbA verb that only takes a subject and does not take an object. Abbreviated in definitions as “intr.” 
  • Transitive VerbA verb that takes both a subject and an object. Abbreviated in definitions as “trans.”
  • AuxiliaryAn ending that helps construct verbal conjugations.
  • ObjectA noun that is directed by the main verb of the sentence.
  • Direct ObjectA word that receives the action of the main verb of the sentence.
  • Case Particle: A particle that denotes a particular grammatical function/case.
  • Base: One of the six forms that a verb may take which is then followed by endings (auxiliaries, etc.). 
  • Terminal/Predicative FormKnown in Japanese as the Shūshikei 終止形, it marks the end of a complete sentence/the predicate. 
  • Attributive FormKnown in Japanese as the Rentaikei 連体形, it is used to make a verb, adjective, etc. into a modifier that goes directly before a noun. 
  • Basic Form: The basic form of any given phrase is utilized in plain speech and in many grammatical circumstances. The basic form encompasses both the predicative and the attributive forms in the context of verbs and adjectives. 
  • Godan Verb: The Japanese name for this class relates to how all five vowels are present among the bases of said verbs, which is in contrast to Ichidan Verbs which only display one vowel in all their bases. 

The Basic/Non-Past Form  五段活用動詞の基本形・非過去形

The non-past tense of a verb stands for either the present tense or future tense, but it also corresponds to the “to form” of verbs. No conjugation occurs to make the non-past in plain speech, but the basic form and its two iterations – the predicative form (終止形) and the attributive form (連体形) – are still in play. 

Godan verbs differ from Ichidan verbs by the stem ending in a consonant as opposed to a vowel. There are 9 possible consonants that can end the stem, each constituting a sub-type within Godan verbs.  

Sub-Type Meaning Basic FormStem
 K-Type カ行  To write書くKak-
 G-Type ガ行  To swim泳ぐOyog
 S-Type サ行  To talk/speak話すHanas
 T-Type タ行  To win勝つKat
 N-Type ナ行  To die死ぬShin
  B-Type バ行  To choose選ぶ  Erab
 M-Type マ行  To read読むYom
 R-Type ラ行  To change (intr.)変わるKawar
 W-Type ワ行  To buy買う  Kaw

The Japanese naming convention for the 9 sub-types refers to the first mora of each type’s respective “row” in the Table of 50 Sounds (五十音図).

There are a few anomalies that can be gleamed from this chart. 

The first thing to take note of is the existence of /w/ in the stems of W-Type Godan verbs. The /w/ does surface in some conjugations, but it is thought that at one point, verbs like /kau/ were pronounced as [kawu]. 

The second thing to take note of is that the verb /shinu/ meaning “to die” is the only verb in Standard Japanese that ends in /nu/. As such, its conjugations will always be specifically noted out of necessity, not out of a need to sound morbid. 

1. 小説を書く。
To write a novel.

2. いつか死ぬ。
To one-day die.

3. 世界が変わる。
The world will change.

4. 美味しい食べ物を買う。
To buy delicious food. 

The Polite Non-Past Form w/ ~ます 
非過去の丁寧形 (~ます)

It’s time to learn how the auxiliary verb ~ます works with Godan verbs. Although it always attaches to the “continuative form” (連用形), this base looks different with Godan verbs. This is because each base of a Godan verb corresponds to a different vowel that follows the stem. For the continuative form, the stem is followed by /i/. 

Sub-TypeStem + /i/ =Continuative Form+ -~ますMeaning
K-TypeKak– + /i/ → Kaki書きます (Does/will) write
G-TypeOyog– + /i/ → Oyogi泳ぎます (Does/will) swim
S-TypeHanas– + /i/ → Hanashi話します(Does/will) talk
T-TypeKat– + /i/ → Kachi勝ちます(Does/will) win
N-TypeShin– + /i/ → Shini死にます(Does/will) die
B-TypeErab– +/i/ → Erabi選びます(Does/will) choose
M-TypeYom– + /i/ → Yomi読みます(Does/will) read
R-TypeKawar– + /i/ → Kawari変わります(Does/will change) (intr.)
W-TypeKaw– + /i/ → Kai買います(Does/will) buy

Grammar Note: Remember that the attributive form of ~ます is not grammatical in basic polite speech, and so it cannot be placed before a noun.

5. 私はいつもパチンコで勝ちます。
I always win at pachinko.

6. 日本が変わります。
Japan will change.

7. スペイン語を話します。
I speak Spanish.

8. よくマンガを読みます。
I often read manga.

9. 全員死にます。
Everyone dies/will die.

The Plain Past Form w/ ~た  

To form the past tense in plain speech for Godan verbs, you still use the continuative form with the auxiliary verb ~た. However, the stem of most sub-types undergoes a sound change. This does not happen with the other verb classes, and so we will be looking at each sub-type individually to learn the rules.

■K-Type Godan Verbs

  • Drop the /k/ in the stem, attach /i/, then add ~た.
Basic FormConjugation ProcessPlain Past Tense w/ ~た
Kaku 書く (to write)Kak– /i/ → Kaki → Kai書いた (wrote)

■G-Type Godan Verbs

  • Drop the /g/ in the stem, attach /i/, then add ~だ.
    ※ ~た becomes voiced to compensate for /g/ being voiced. 
Basic FormConjugation ProcessPlain Past Tense w/ ~た
泳ぐ (to swim)Oyog– /i/ → Oyogi– → Oyoi泳いだ (swam)

■S-Type Godan Verbs

  • When the stem ends in /s/, the consonant does not drop when ~た is attached. So, you attach ~た normally in the same way you do ~ます. 
Basic FormConjugation ProcessPlain Past Tense w/ ~た
話すHanas– /i/ → Hanashi– 話した (spoke)

■N/B/M-Type Godan Verbs

  • Change the /n/, /b/, or /m/ in the stem to [n], delete the /i/ in the base, then add ~だ.
    ※~た becomes voiced to compensate for /g/ being voiced.
Basic FormConjugation ProcessPlain Past Tense w/ ~た
死ぬShin– + /i/ → Shini + – /ta/ → [da]死んだ (died)
選ぶErab– + /i/ → Erani + -/ta/ → [da]選んだ (chose)
読むYom– + /i/ → Yoni + -/ta/ → [da]読んだ (read)

■T/R/W-Type Godan Verbs

  • Change the /t/, /r/, or /w/ in the stem to a double t, delete the /i/ in the base, then add ~た.
Basic Form Conjugation ProcessPlain Past Tense w/ –ta た
勝つKat– /i/ → Kachi– → Kat勝った
変わるKawar– /i/ → Kawari– → Kawat変わった
買うKaw– /i/ → Kai– → Kat買った

To familiarize yourself with these conjugation rules, we will look at new example verbs conjugated into the plain past tense. The only familiar verb in the chart will be 死ぬ (to die) out of necessity. 

Sub-TypeBasic Form Plain Past Tense w/ ~た
K-Type聞く (to listen/hear)聞いた (listened/heard)
G-Type急ぐ (to hurry)急いだ (hurried)
S-Type貸す (to lend)貸した (lent)
T-Type待つ (to wait)待った (waited)
 N-Type死ぬ (to die)死んだ (died)
 B-Type遊ぶ (to play)遊んだ (played)
M-Type休む (to rest)休んだ (rested)
R-Type売る (to sell)売った (sold)
W-Type歌う (to sing)歌った (sang)
K-Type※行く (to go)行った※ (went)
W-Type※言う (to say)言った※ (said)

※ The verb 行く is irregular and conjugates like a T/R/W-type Godan verb.  Rather than being 行いた, it conjugates as 行った in the past tense. 
※ The verb 言う is irregular not because of how ~た combines with it, but because of how both いった and ゆった are valid pronunciations, with the latter being indicative of casual speech. 

10. アニソンを歌った。
I sang an anime song.

11. 悪口を言った人
Person who said slander 

12. バターを売った。
I sold butter. 

13. お金を貸した。
I lent money.

14. その黄色い鳥が死んだ。
That yellow bird died.

The Polite Past Form w/ ~ました

Conjugating Godan verbs into the past tense in polite speech is far easier than in plain speech because ~ます conjugates with ~た, resulting in ~ました, which as a whole still follows the continuative form (連用形) normally.

Sub-TypeBasic FormPlain Tense w/ ~ました
K-Type書く (to write)書きました (wrote)
G-Type嗅ぐ (to smell)嗅ぎました (smelled)
S-Type直す (to fix)直しました (fixed)
T-Type打つ (to hit/type)打ちました  (hit/typed)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)死にました (died)
B-Type運ぶ (to transport)運びました (transported)
M-Type進む (to advance) (intr.)進みました (advanced) (intr.)
R-Type凍る (to freeze) (intr.)凍りました (froze) (intr.)
W-Type思う (to think)思いました (thought)
K-Type*行く (to go)行きました (went)
W-Type*言う (to say)言いました (said)

18. 好きな香りを嗅ぎました。
I smelled a scent that I like.

19. タイプミスを直しました。
I fixed the typo(s).

20. 祖母は去年死にました。
My grandmother died last year.

21. 竹を運びました。
I carried/transported bamboo.

22. 同じことを思いました。
I thought the same thing.

The Plain Negative Form w/~ない

To create the negative form in plain speech with Godan verbs, you have to first create the irrealis form (未然形) by following the stem with the vowel /a/. All sub-types’ respective consonant is pronounced when creating this base. Meaning, the “w” ending the stem of W-Type verbs is pronounced. Then, once you have created the irrealis form (未然形), all you have to do is add the auxiliary adjective ~ない. 

Sub-Type Basic Form Irrealis Form Plain Negative w/ ~ない
K-Type働く (to work) Hataraka働かない (does/will not work)
G-Type嗅ぐ (to smell)Kaga-嗅がない (does/will not smell)
S-Type直す (to fix)Naosa-直さない (does/will not fix)
T-Type撃つ (to shoot)Uta-撃たない (does/will not shoot)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)Shina-死なない (does/will not die)
B-Type叫ぶ (to shout)Sakeba-叫ばない (does/will not shout)
M-Type噛む (to bite)Kama-噛まない (does/will not bite)
R-Type帰る (to go home)Kaera-帰らない (does/will not go home)
W-Type思う (to think)Omowa-思わない (does/will not think)
K-Type*行く (to go)Ika-行かない (does/will not go)
W-Type*言う (to say)Iwa-言わない (does/will not say)

Irregularity Note: Though not shown in the chart above, there is one R-Type Godan verb that is irregular with the auxiliary adjective ~ない: the verb ある, which means “there is…” in many contexts but most commonly with inanimate entities. What is irregular about these two is that they are already antonyms of each other, so ない simply replaces ある altogether when wishing to state “there is not…” In other words, あらない does not exist, nor do any derivative forms such as the negative past or polite versions of these respectively. 

23. 今夜は帰らない。
I won’t go home tonight. 

24. うちの猫は、人には絶対に噛まない。
My cat doesn’t ever bite people. 

25. 何も言わない。
I won’t say anything.

26. 風邪薬は風邪を治さない。
Cold medicine won’t cure a cold.

The Polite Negative Forms (~ません or ~ないです) 

Godan verbs possess the same two polite negative form constructions. The only difference is how their bases look. With that, the methods are summarized as follows:

  • Method 1: Use the continuative form (連体形) ending in /i/ and attach the auxiliary verb ~ます. Then, conjugate this ending into its irrealis form (未然形) ませ to attach the negative auxiliary verb ~ん.
  • Method 2: Once you conjugate the verb into its irrealis form (未然形) ending in /a/, attach the auxiliary adjective ~ない and follow it with the polite marker ~です.
Sub-Type Basic Form Polite Negative (Casual)
K-Type動く (to move) (intr.) 動かないです (doesn’t/won’t move) (intr.)
G-Type泳ぐ (to swim) 泳がないです (doesn’t/won’t swim)
 S-Type刺す (to stab) 刺さないです (doesn’t/won’t stab)
T-Type 立つ (to stand) 立たないです (doesn’t/won’t stand)
N-Type死ぬ (to die) 死なないです (doesn’t/won’t die)
B-Type学ぶ (to learn) 学ばないです (doesn’t/won’t learn)
M-Type飲む (to drink) 飲まないです (doesn’t/won’t drink)
R-Type祈る (to pray) 祈らないです (doesn’t/won’t pray)
W-Type吸う (to smoke) 吸わないです (doesn’t/won’t smoke)
K-Type*行く (to go)行かないです (doesn’t/won’t go)
W-Type*言う (to say)言わないです (doesn’t/won’t say)
Sub-TypeBasic FormPolite Negative (Politer)
K-Type書く (to write)書きません (doesn’t/won’t write)
G-Type泳ぐ (to swim)泳ぎません (doesn’t/won’t swim)
S-Type示す (to show)示しません(doesn’t/won’t show)
T-Type勝つ (to win)勝ちません (doesn’t/won’t win)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)死にません (doesn’t/won’t die)
B-Type喜ぶ (to rejoice)喜びません (doesn’t/won’t rejoice)
M-Type畳む (to fold)畳みません (doesn’t/won’t fold)
R-Type掘る (to dig)掘りません (doesn’t/won’t dig)
W-Type習う (to review)習いません (doesn’t/won’t review)
K-Type*行く (to go)行きません (doesn’t/won’t go)
W-Type*言う (to say)言いません (doesn’t/won’t say)

31. 夫がまったく働きません。
My husband won’t work at all.

32. 僕は死にません! (Male speech)
I won’t die!

34. 私はまだ帰りません。
I’m not going home yet.

The Plain Negative Past Form (~なかった)

To conjugate a Godan verb into its negative past form, first conjugate the verb into its irrealis form (未然形) ending in the vowel /a/ and attach ~なかった. This is a combination of the negative auxiliary adjective ~ない and the past tense auxiliary verb ~た. 

Sub-Type Basic FormPlain Negative Past (Casual)
K-Type聞く (to hear/listen)聞かなかった (didn’t hear/listen)
G-Type嗅ぐ (to smell)嗅がなかった (didn’t smell)
S-Type離す (to separate)離さなかった (didn’t separate)
T-Type立つ (to stand)立たなかった (didn’t stand)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)死ななかった (didn’t die)
B-Type並ぶ (to line up) (intr.)並ばなかった (didn’t line up)
M-Type噛む (to bite)噛まなかった (didn’t bite)
R-Type切る (to cut)切らなかった (didn’t cut)
W-Type戦う (to fight)戦わなかった (didn’t fight)
K-Type*行く (to go)行かなかった  (didn’t go)
W-Type*言う (to say)言わなかった  (didn’t say)

37. ワニが動かなかった。
The crocodile didn’t move.

38. とどめを刺さなかった。
I didn’t put an end to it.

39. ハリー・ポッターは死ななかった。
Harry Potter didn’t die.

40. 爪を噛まなかった。
I didn’t bite my nails

The Polite Negative Past Forms
(~ませんでした or ~なかったです)

As there is nothing irregular with how the polite marker auxiliary ~ます behaves with Godan verbs, you are already familiar with the principles behind how the polite negative forms are created with them. 

  • Method 1: First conjugate the verb into its continuative form (連用形), which ends in /i/ for Godan verbs. Then, conjugate –masu ます into its irrealis form (-~ます →  ませ) to add the negative auxiliary verb –n んLastly, add ~でした directly to ~ません. 
  • Method 2: Treating the auxiliary adjective ~ない as any other adjectival phrase, ~ない becomes conjugated into its own continuative form (なかり) and is followed by ~た to produce ~なかった. Then, ~です is attached to produce ~なかったです.

    Method 1: ~ませんでした (Proper Polite Form)
Sub-TypeBasic FormPolite Negative-Past (Politer)
K-Type描く (to draw)描きませんでした (didn’t draw)
G-Type泳ぐ (to swim)泳ぎませんでした (didn’t swim)
S-Type話す (to talk/speak)話しませんでした (didn’t talk/speak)
T-Type待つ (to wait)待ちませんでした (didn’t wait)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)死にませんでした(didn’t die)
B-Type呼ぶ (to call)呼びませんでした(didn’t call)
M-Type読む (to read)読みませんでした(didn’t read)
R-Type触る (to touch)触りませんでした (didn’t touch)
W-Type笑う (to laugh)笑いませんでした (didn’t laugh)
K-Type*行く (to go)行きませんでした (didn’t go)
W-Type*言う (to say)言いませんでした (didn’t say)

Method 2: ~なかったです (Casual Polite Form)

Sub-TypeBasic FormPolite Negative Past Form (Casual)
K-Type届く (to arrive) (intr.)届かなかったです (didn’t arrive) (intr.)
G-Type泳ぐ (to swim)泳がかなったです (didn’t swim)
S-Type殺す (to kill)殺さなかったです (didn’t kill)
T-Type立つ (to stand)立たなかったです (didn’t stand)
N-Type死ぬ (to die)死ななかったです (didn’t die)
B-Type呼ぶ (to call)呼ばなかったです (didn’t call)
M-Type読む (to read)読まなかったです (didn’t read)
R-Type蹴る (to kick)蹴らなかったです (didn’t kick)
W-Type会う (to meet)会わなかったです (didn’t meet)
K-Type*行く (to go)行かなかったです (didn’t go)
W-Type*言う (to say)言わなかったです (didn’t say)

41. 薬を飲みませんでした。
I didn’t take (the) medicine. 

42. 商品が届きませんでした。
Items didn’t arrive.

43. カニは死にませんでした。
The crab didn’t die.

44. タバコを吸いませんでした。
I didn’t smoke.  

45. 彼女は本を読まなかったです。
She didn’t read the book.

46. 誰も死ななかったです。
No one died.

47. あまり話さなかったです。 
I didn’t talk/speak much.